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  • 网络激光测距仪;激光快速成形;钢包精炼炉;因子;促黄体生成激素释放因子
  1. Analyses of the lateral resolution of a pulsed LRF


  2. The measurement distance ability is better than same type low cost LD LRF .


  3. Based on a LRF sensor , the dynamic multi-target tracking program is verified effective to track a number of dynamic targets .


  4. It integrates many different kinds of memory units such as LRF , CCRF and SRF .


  5. Laser rapid repair ( LRR ) is an advanced laser repair technology that has been developed based on Laser rapid forming ( LRF ) .


  6. Laser rapid forming ( LRF ), a new solidification processing technology , has many advantages which would make it competitive for the processing of TC21 alloy .


  7. Experimental results on a LAN testbed show that SNC is better than LRF in terms of average downloading time , total distribution time and the whole throughput .


  8. In the hardware solution , a dual-port high speed communication card was designed to resolve the " data ' losing " problem in the communication between the LRF and PC.


  9. In terms of Ladle Refining Furnace ( LRF ) built in No. 2 Heavy Machinery Plant , ten heats industrial experiments were carried out as to rotor steel .


  10. LF1 LRF is a photon Radar system , the optimum design of the system has been discussed according to the photon measurement distance equation , the configuration of system , signal noise ratio .


  11. LF1 series LD laser rangefinder ( LRF ) have been made , the LRF is a mini , low cost , eye safe , no cooperation target .


  12. It is used in the measurement of ranging accuracy , maxmun and minimum ranges , pulse energy , pulse width , repetitive frequency features , beam divergence and optical axis stability of LRF .


  13. The multi-sensor perceptual system included the leg reaction force ( LRF ) sensors , the ground reaction force ( GRF ) sensors and the joint angle sensors measuring the joint angle of WPAL .


  14. In this paper , the IDMS-DB definition procedure , the basic data structure and characteristics , and the application programming concepts involved in working with IDMS are described Finally , SPF and LRF , the aided facilities which improve the performance of IDMS are presented .


  15. The received power and signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) of Laser Range Finder ( LRF ) detector as a function of the target distance and divergence of the beam are simulated , and the effect of different target shape on LRF 's ranging performances is discussed .
