low status

美 [loʊ ˈsteɪtəs]英 [ləʊ ˈsteɪtəs]
  • 低社会地位
low statuslow status


a position of inferior status;low in station or rank or fortune or estimation
Synonym: lowness lowliness


  1. Women have a low status in ancient time .


  2. contrast with the low status of the elderly in the U.S.


  3. Lis low status and appeared in the law was a history process .


  4. As a powerful complement of higher education , higher vocational education has low status .


  5. The vulnerable group characteristics are poverty , edge , low status and sensitivity .


  6. Has the screen efficiency high , from the clean , the noise low status characteristic .


  7. The destitute migrants with low status and literacy cannot supply good family education too .


  8. In the absence of too many positive factors , the overall low status of the market difficult to change .


  9. They are relatively low status of a group whether from the family status or in terms of social status .


  10. Clothing is a status symbol , can judge a person by dress of high and low status .


  11. It suggested that newborn survey , early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the patients from intelligence of low status .


  12. The cycling spirit makes the contradictory opposites of large quantity and low status be united reasonably .


  13. It can be said that a few common factors affecting the real estate market this year , the low status of advertising .


  14. Economic subsystem and the environment sub-system associated with the ideal situation are less than 0.45 , at a relatively low status .


  15. The latter gave her low status in the city and raised her considerably in Gromph 's estimation .


  16. The first is that the low status of women leads to maternal nutrition in India that is much worse than previously believed .


  17. To address the low status of the attendance of witnesses , we must first analyze the reasons for the witness to appear .


  18. If it is true , then the present low status of women in management should make us ponder about whether our management is civilized at all .


  19. Low status and lacking studies entrusted Wang Gen with rich experience in his study course , which is different from other scholars of his time .


  20. At present , the comparatively low status in the centers of fixing prices for international market is the core problem of the development of Chinese futures market .


  21. Traditional society is the one centering the authority on the males and husbands , while the females have very low status in society and family .


  22. Men of the lowest classes , however , wore short hair or were made to shave it completely as a symbol of their low status .


  23. Contrary to the current low status of extraction in the web information extraction technology , in this paper , proposed based on the HTML tree and content analysis of adaptable information extraction .


  24. Concerning the discrimination against females , historically women had been in a low status economically and politically , and subjected to every kind of discrimination .


  25. O ??? Those who are ' conformers ' typically have high levels of anxiety , low status , high need for approval and often authoritarian personalities .


  26. But in the historical condition at that time , women but connect took blood , the tool , the potential topple the low status , star-crossed lovers .


  27. My academic exposition of the concept of vulnerable groups , the weak theory of wealth , ability of vulnerable , low status and resources of several weak on the other .


  28. Problems are continuing without end , such as low status , lack of independence sub-discipline , low conversion rate of academy , imperfect training pattern and shortage of teachers .


  29. Low status , low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession .


  30. At the same time , Chinese women walked out of the extremely low status in feudal China and reached a wider world , having improved greatly their social identity and self-awareness .
