
美 [ˈlɔːrdɪŋ]英 [ˈlɔːdɪŋ]
  • v.作威作福,称王称霸;使成贵族
  • lord的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT; N-TITLE (英国的男性)勋爵
    In Britain, a lord is a man who has a high rank in the nobility, for example an earl, a viscount, or a marquis.

    She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds...


  • 2
    N-VOC (在英国对法官、主教及某些男性贵族的尊称)阁下,大人
    In Britain, judges, bishops, and some male members of the nobility are addressed as 'my Lord'.

    My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.


  • 3
    In Britain, Lord is used in the titles of some officials of very high rank.

    He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974.


  • 4
    N-PROPER-COLL the Lords同the House of Lords
    The Lords is the same as the House of Lords .

    It's very likely the bill will be defeated in the Lords.


  • 5
    N-COUNT (尤指中世纪的)领主
    In former times, especially in medieval times, a lord was a man who owned land or property and who had power and authority over people.

    It was the home of the powerful lords of Baux.


  • 6
    N-PROPER 上帝;耶稣基督;主
    In the Christian church, people refer to God and to Jesus Christ as the Lord .

    I know the Lord will look after him...


  • 7
    N-COUNT 巨头;霸主;泰斗
    If you describe a man as the lord of a particular area, industry, or thing, you mean that he has total authority and power over it.

    A century ago the aristocracy were truly lords of the earth.


  • 8
    EXCLAM (表示吃惊、懊丧或不快)上帝呀!主呀!天哪!
    Lord is used in exclamations such as 'good Lord!' and 'oh Lord!' to express surprise, shock, frustration, or annoyance about something.

    'Good lord, that's what he is: he's a policeman.'...


  • 9
    PHRASE (强调强烈的情感或信念)众所周知
    You can say 'Lord knows' to emphasize something that you feel or believe very strongly.

    I've got to go home, but Lord knows I dread it.


  • 10
    PHRASE (强调不知情)天晓得,鬼知道,谁知道
    You can say 'Lord knows' to emphasize that you do not know something.

    He would turn up at meetings, but Lord knows where he came from.


  • 11
    PHRASE 颐指气使;发号施令;指手画脚
    If someone lords it over you, they act in a way that shows that they think they are better than you, especially by giving lots of orders.

    Alex seemed to enjoy lording it over the three girls.


  1. Alex seemed to enjoy lording it over the three girls .


  2. You get the idea that they are lording it over us ... Looking down on us , I 'm sensing it anyway .


  3. They 're only respectful when they 're not lording over others ! they 're no match for the Chinese .


  4. The Great Enrichment came from innovation , not from accumulating capital or exploiting the working classes or lording it over the colonies .


  5. Neither as lording it over the clergy , but being made a pattern of the flock from the heart .


  6. Pet . 5:3 Nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock .


  7. Power , for the sake of lording it over fellow-creatures or adding to personal pomp , is rightly judged base .


  8. In Stephen 's eyes , Mainlanders belong to that class of uncivilized Chinese , so he is accustomed to lording it over them .


  9. While it is depressing that vast riches are a socially acceptable status symbol for 18-year-olds , they are no worse than more traditional ways of lording it over others .


  10. In safe design , it points out calculate method of least safe distance , regulates maximal ultimate noise value , over lording require , shooter use safe , safe design of EMC , electrical apparatus and configuration systems .


  11. He 'll bark orders at the kids to clear out of the way as he heaves bags and flings mulch for the rest of day , lording over the yard like a general .


  12. And more than all , if just previous to putting your hand into the tar-pot , you have been lording it as a country schoolmaster , making the tallest boys stand in awe of you .


  13. It was thought that it was to the advantage of the early stage diagnosis of RTA to make the sifting of urine-ph measurement and blood gases analysis ammonium chlo-ride lording test on the autoimmune disease in case of necessity .
