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  • 网络油水分配系数;疏水性参数;疏水系数;正辛醇-水分配系数;疏水性
  1. Algorithm design based on active messages and logP computation model


  2. Testing and Analyzing the Performance of Cluster Under LogP Model


  3. A method to transform the algorithm based on pram model to that based on logP model


  4. Conclusion There is certain correlation between logP and activity .


  5. The Parallel Algorithm of Computing Converse Matrix on the Simplified LogP Model


  6. As a computation model , LogP provides us the algorithm design criteria independent of the concrete system .


  7. Then it emphasized on the network parallel computing environment and LogP Model of parallel computation .


  8. The LogP is a parallel algorithm design one , reflecting the key performance of the parallel computation .


  9. We adopted an idea based on LogP model and master-slave mode to complete parallel task allocation and implementation .


  10. The relationship and comparison of the pram , BSP and logP model


  11. The features are discussed and the network delay and overhead time based on the LogP model under the light load is analyzed .


  12. Simple LogP Models Parameters Simulate


  13. Experiment and theoretical analysis by the LogP model verifies that it can solve this problem and improve the computation efficiency . 4 .


  14. The LogP model , reflecting the key performance of modern MPP , is a realistics oriented parallel algorithm design model .


  15. A logP simulator for parallel computing


  16. The enzyme showed higher activity in hydrophobic solvents ( with high LogP value ) such as isooctane , cyclohexane .


  17. In this paper , we discuss some more realistic computation models including phase PRAM , BSP , logp and C3 models .


  18. The paper extends the LogP parallel computing model to the grid and presents the double LogP model . And then it presents the strategy to design parallel algorithm on the grid .


  19. Both logP values and hydroximic acid dissociation constant pKa of Cholinesterase Reactivators are important factors that influence the reactivity of reactivators .


  20. By calculation and verification of ten different system , when OI parameter is researched in same series compound , it can replace a function of LogP and it is calculation is quite easy .


  21. Results Most of the tested flavonoids showed concentration dependent relaxation effects against PE-induced contractions of rat aortic rings . These compounds had stronger action with the augment of logP values .


  22. Results The biological activities are closely related to the heat of formation , maximum electricity , special polar , logP and zero order molecular connectivity chi valence index . Some principles of designing antitumor quinolone were suggested .


  23. The result turned out that the hemolytic activity of the analogues of melittin was correlated with the heat of formation , binding energy , surface area , molecular volume , polarizability , logP and hydration energy .


  24. The results showed that different classification of organic compounds had different effects on different molecular descriptors . The orders of correlation between number of chlorines and molecular descriptors are as follows : LogP > LUMO > HOMO > Δ E > dipole moment .


  25. Support polar , water content , the logP value of organic phase and product inhibition effected the activity of immobilized enzyme . According to these reaction conditions , a low aqueous organic biphase system for the continuous production of ( S ) ( + ) Naproxen was developed .


  26. Let P is an odd prime , in this paper we prove that the maximal square free number Q ( 2p-1 ) of Mersenne numbers 2p-1 satisfies : Q ( 2p-1 )≥ min ( 2p-1 , (π P / logp ) 2 )
