- 【计】= Linear Nearest Neighbor,线性最近相邻

Holiday lnn . May I help you ?
CONCLUSION : LNN does have the sedative - hypnotic effect .
A new Ferroelectric Crystal LNN with MPB Composition
I 'm afraid the old Benbow lnn has burned to the ground .
Old Anchor lnn , Bristol
Check out LNN , Lindsay Corporation , that does boring stuff like highway repair ( they make those orange cones ) and helps upgrade water infrastructure .
The novel modified neural network ( MNN ) described here is composed of two sub - nets : linear neural net-work ( LNN ) and diagonal recurrent neural network ( DRNN ) .
In 1985 , the logic neural network ( LNN ) implemented by Aleksander heading the research group was applied to real-time face recognition and industrial part test successfully , LNN got great emphasis from the U. K.
Staying at the Ramada lnn ?
In addition , this paper shows the tight lower bound ( 2 o ( 1 )) lnn ( 1 ) of the approximation ratio of set cover greedy algorithm for the weighted redundant test set with redundancy n 1 .
On this basis , with the index mechanism in K-D trees , a hierarchical routing among event brokers was designed for the content-based publish / subscribe system . This routing algorithm 's efficiency is up to O ( lnN ) .
The extended Hermite interpolation operator , based on the nodes which are the zeros of first Chebyshev polynomial , is considered . This operator approxi-mates the unbounded function in the real axis , its convergence order is O (Ω ̄( - 1 )( lnn ) lnn / n );
考虑以第一类Chebyshev多项式的零点为插值结点的扩展的Hermite算子,在实轴上逼近无界函数,得到收敛阶为O(Ω ̄(-1)(lnn)lnn/n);
The mice were divided into two groups ( 13 mice in dose of 2.5ml / kg / d10 , mice in dose of 15ml / kg / d ) . In conclusion : In lower dosage group , M. Charantia Lnn extract showed no embryotoxic and teratogenic effects .