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  • 网络李贽;立志
  1. Lizhi is a famous writer , historian and thinker who lived in mid-term Dynasty .


  2. The characteristic of topic selection and marks of cellection of PerXian reflects lizhi 's unique literary view .


  3. Lizhi Did any of them give you an x-ray check ?


  4. Lizhi What exactly is your problem and how did it start , Mrs Zhang ?


  5. I am not Lizhi charming woman , destiny has given me gentle and peaceful .


  6. This is the second of3 classical poems by our father Chen Qing-shan which will bring the column Lizhi Qing to a close in mid november .


  7. Lizhi Niu the president came and shook my hands , this again is a proof that no matter where you are in Fuda West or East building the same doctors are performing every single treatment procedure .


  8. In Yanzi Chunqiu , Yanzi made use of the chance to analyze the dreams for the emperor , melted his political opinion " Lizhi ( Ruling by Way of Rites )" into the analysis .
