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  • 网络里耶;立业
  1. The late Warring States household registration bamboo slips at Liye Village seem to be a product of Qin 's invasion of the " territory west of Qingyang " of Chu State .


  2. Previously , another 2200-year-old bamboo strip from the Qin Dynasty with the carving of the multiplication table was found in the ancient Liye City in western Hunan Province , which is the earliest calculation table ever found in China .


  3. Luo Miou believes Zhu Liye extremely , and just decides the suiside .


  4. Liye strips of Qin are the greatest archaeological discovery in the21st century , whose academic value is enough to match Dunhuang documents and Jiagu documents .


  5. In succession , according to the mathematics putting Li Ye into the social environments of his times , the author sets up the context by using the method to make a further study of LiYe .
