living will

美 [ˌlɪvɪŋ ˈwɪl]英 [ˌlɪvɪŋ ˈwɪl]
  • n.(尤指要求病弱至无法作决定时不再医治的)生前意愿

复数: living wills

living willliving will


a document stating your wishes concerning medical treatment in the case that you become so ill/sick that you can no longer make decisions about it, in particular asking doctors to stop treating you and let you die

living will


  • 1
    N-COUNT (预先声明病危时希望采取何种措施的)生前预嘱
    A living will is a document in which you say what medical or legal decisions you want people to make for you if you become too ill to make these decisions yourself.


a document written by someone still legally capable requesting that he should be allowed to die if subsequently severely disabled or suffering terminal illness
after he discovered he had AIDS he drew up a living will


  1. A living will can be very specific or very general .


  2. The living will is used only if the individual has become unable to give informed consent or refusal due to incapacity .


  3. An example of a statement sometimes found in a living will is : “ If I suffer an incurable or discontinued . ”


  4. Because this form of “ will ” was to be used while an individual was still alive ( but no longer able to make decisions ) it was dubbed the “ living will . ”


  5. The living will is the oldest form of advance directive . It was first proposed by an Illinois attorney , Luis Kutner , in a law journal in 1969 .


  6. There is also a document called a living will .


  7. The cost of living will be higher than ever .


  8. Then the fun of living will go away .


  9. But a living will is not enough to protect taxpayers .


  10. A reduced standard of living will develop from increasing taxation and rising unemployment .


  11. This is life , the living will have the cinematic story happened .


  12. My soon to be released book on healthy living will have more information on healthy exercise .


  13. Your mother was cremated per the instructions in her living will .


  14. Living Will instructs your doctor not to use life support to extend the natural process of dying .


  15. The Manipulated Living will do anything to save themselves from Oblivion .


  16. If an artifact occurs , the living will retrieve it with great interest and curiosity .


  17. China 's bank regulators are thinking seriously about applying a requirement for a living will to at least some banks .


  18. It can be said that if there is no news hotline , news of public living will lose its basis .


  19. Restlessness of entertainment and discontent of living will destroy the natural virtue of the people .


  20. Changes in domestic and regional environments and a faster pace of living will continue to shape our mindset and thinking .


  21. However if you can through the power within address these experiences in light the division which you create in your living will fall away .


  22. For example , a person may write in a living will that they do not wish to be kept alive with life support machinery .


  23. You have to write out a " living will " that details how you 'll be wound down if you do fail .


  24. Soft living will enervate the leaders , and those under their command will be changed into beasts .


  25. And then , market factors will adjust the size of the population – those who can 't afford the high cost of living will choose to leave .


  26. And I doubt that the hundreds of millions of people who steer vehicles for a living will start giving it much thought until too late .


  27. And thanks to our socialist system of distribution , not only will there be a change in China 's national strength , but the people 's standard of living will be higher .


  28. The rule , the view , the environment and the goal are different , the means of living will definitely is different , and there is nothing to be surprised .


  29. When it comes both to the medical power of attorney and living will , sit down and have a conversation with loved ones about your wishes .


  30. When He comes , the believers who have passed away will be resurrected and those still living will be caught up to be forever with the Lord .
