- 网络利弗莫尔

But researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory aimed to speed up the process .
Livermore pool type reactor
Bruce Tarter , who has directed Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the past eight years . 1975
Livermore , one of the highest ranking women in the technology business , has been with HP for29 years .
Livermore will continue to serve as " interim lead " for HP Enterprise Service until a replacement is named .
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have researched and developed the non-destructive accounting technology for many years .
If you want advice on stocks , go ask Livermore , he has an excellent track record and he certainly knows his onions .
Radiation Laboratory , Univ. of California , Livermore , CA , USA , 1969 Improving Accuracy of Calculated Relative Intensities in X-ray Fluorescence Analysis
Physicist Ian Hutcheon , of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , is what you might call a nuclear detective .
This is an idea that , again , came out of Livermore back in 1989 , with Dr. Lowell Wood 's group .
BlueGeneL , IBM , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( 478.2 teraflop / s )
Working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories , the hefty computer will be dedicated to the task of monitoring the nation 's nuclear missile stockpile .
In the DRUDGE Report yesterday there was an article of Chinese hackers , hacking into the Lawrence Livermore lab and other advanced US research centers .
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 's Land Mine Locator is a humanitarian aerial land mine detection platform designed to identify what today 's metal detectors can not .
LIVERMORE , Calif. & Can planting a tree stop the sea level from rising , the ice caps from melting and hurricanes from intensifying ?
Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett , from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , report their concerns in the journal Nature .
Literally drunk with success at his banishment , Livermore ( according to LeFevre ) confidently tackled Wall Street & intent on cleaning up in the market .
The four watt bulb , installed in a fire station in Livermore , California , has been declared the oldest known working light bulb by the Guinness Book of World Records .
There was an old dude , Jesse Livermore , who wrote a great book that said the most important thing in investing was to know yourself & your weaknesses , your flaws and your strengths .
The disaster emitted as much long-term radiation into the world 's air , topsoil and water as all the nuclear tests and bombs ever exploded , according to a study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in california .
IUPAC announced that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had produced sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115 , 117 and 118 .