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美 [ˈlaɪkənɪŋ]英 [ˈlaɪkənɪŋ]
  • v.把…比作;把…比拟为
  • liken的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 把…比作;把…比拟为
    If you liken one thing or person to another thing or person, you say that they are similar.

    She likens marriage to slavery...



the act of comparing similarities


  1. Most of us have a likening for either summer or winter or spring or rains .


  2. Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course & I don 't mean to turn you off .


  3. Earlier , he had acknowledged concerns about asset bubbles , likening property markets in some big cities to a wild horse .


  4. Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride , Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatility .


  5. Both have recently appeared in British newspapers likening each other 's government to Lord Voldemort , the villain in the Harry Potter stories .


  6. At an event in Sweden Wednesday , the company preemptively dismissed this criticism by likening it to early objection to seatbelt laws .


  7. Likening intestinal pellets is a modern Chinese medicine preparation which has antiseptic and antiviral curative effects , with no release in the stomach and positioning release in intestine .


  8. The issue provoked fierce debate , with some opponents likening the procedure to genetic modification and arguing that it would open the way to the creation of so-called designer babies .


  9. Acclaimed author JK Rowling has mocked Donald Trump for his posts , likening the president 's way of writing to the speech of a school yard bully .


  10. ( He 's not above likening the coal-industry spin to the handiwork of Goebbels . ) If it were anyone else , Wall Street would probably laugh him off .


  11. Mr Giavazzi recently published an article in Corriere della Sera likening the spending review to a " timid mouse " and noting it would examine only a tenth of public spending .


  12. We are really at the dawn of a new era of space exploration , one where there is a much bigger role for commercial space companies , Musk said , likening the space effort to the expansion of the Internet in the mid 1990s .


  13. I will be likening to the raindrop which washes away the mountain ; the ant who devours a tiger ; the star which brightens the earth ; the slave who builds a pyramid .


  14. While Avelumab is designed to remove the brakes in the immune system , Pfizer thinks the other two drugs will speed up the body 's response , likening their effects to the " gas " or " oil " needed to run a well-functioning engine .


  15. But what is fascinating about McQueen is that the clothes do not simply send obvious messages ; they also try to subvert cultural norms in a way that leaves Bolton likening the role of the designer in western culture to that of a shaman in other societies .


  16. That is not because I necessarily consider Thatcher to be the perfect solution to the current woes in Britain or America ( never mind that politician Michele Bachmann , the Tea Party darling and former Republican presidential candidate , recently aired commercials likening herself to the Iron Lady ) .
