- n.〈美俚〉女同性恋者

Whether or not this is true , director Alejandro Gonz á lez In á rritu has successfully raised serious questions about the fading nature of fame in show business .
One key exception is Alejandro Gonz á lez I ñá rritu , who 's up for Best Director for " The Revenant . "
Mr. Gonz á lez had never seen the El Greco portrait of the nobleman , one of the many masterworks in the Prado .
It trundled through the darkness to just outside San Antonio , where the driver , Luis Gonz á lez , stopped for a rest .
Mr Gonz á lez says : In some African markets where telecoms services are growing fast , such as Nigeria and Kenya , these Chinese brands are seen as semi-premium .
But more surprisingly , the copy was in three dimensions so that Mr. Gonz á lez , who is 56 and has been blind since the age of 14 , could experience the painting firsthand .
In2007 , the University of Granada awarded Guillermo Gonz á lez an honorary doctorate for his important contributions in the founding of the " Orquesta de C á mara " of this institution .
Mr. Gonz á lez was visiting a small , highly unusual exhibition , " Touching the Prado , " designed to give the blind or those with limited sight an opportunity to create a mental image of a painting by feeling it .
The work , of course , was a copy . But more surprisingly , the copy was in three dimensions so that Mr. Gonz á lez , who is 56 and has been blind since the age of 14 , could experience the painting firsthand .