law of conservation of energy

美 [lɔː əv ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃn əv ˈenərdʒi]英 [lɔː ɒv ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn ɒv ˈenədʒi]
  • 能量守恒定律
law of conservation of energylaw of conservation of energy


the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes
Synonym: conservation of energy first law of thermodynamics


  1. The heat pump is modeled based on the law of conservation of energy .


  2. This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy .


  3. You must master the law of conservation of energy .


  4. Kinetic analysis of flexible threshing under law of conservation of energy


  5. The Law of Conservation of Energy in Capacitor


  6. I invented a breakthrough new source of energy which violates the law of conservation of energy .


  7. The relationship between force and mass , velocity is reconsidered according to the law of conservation of energy ;


  8. In the whole process , pyromagnetic effect is to participate in the whole law of conservation of energy .


  9. The law of conservation of energy also takes a simple form . This is the well-known principle of conservation of momentum .


  10. The paper analyses and discusses these two phenomana with respect to the law of conservation of energy and momentum .


  11. In the science of conservation of energy , the law of conservation of energy is accounted for ruling and leading position .


  12. Based on the law of conservation of energy and related theory , build up the respiration-evaporation models of fruits and vegetables .


  13. The expression of aspheric surface is obtained by solving numerically equations based on law of conservation of energy and refraction law by mathematical software .


  14. According to the law of conservation of energy and the concept of surface energy , we can determing the excess pressure in curved liquid surface .


  15. From the principle of symmetry , law of conservation of energy is proved . And have a simple geometric express for time translation symmetry and conservation of energy .


  16. This method uses the law of conservation of energy , adopts the method of sectioning and the cam profile is designed according to the outputted speed curve .


  17. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy heat equivalent to that which is required to change a solid into liquid must be given out when the reverse change takes place .


  18. Method Using of law of conservation of energy , the heat exchange equation between man and environment was built , and the factors that can affect the heat balance of human body were discussed .


  19. By applying The Law of Conservation of Energy and the theory of complex beam parameters of laser beams , the complex matrix element of optical surface of shaping optical system can be obtained .


  20. This paper discusses the reflection about the Law of Conservation of Energy in Electromagnetism from the aspects of Lenz 's Law , Maxwell Equations and Poynting Theorem .


  21. Both ground and air surface exchange of energy , follow the law of conservation of energy , surface energy as long wave radiation out to receive solar radiation , in order to maintain energy balance .


  22. Basing on the law of conservation of energy , this study creates a physical model of different pan evaporation to analyze the differences in the physical processes of the interaction between evaporation pan and environment .


  23. In this paper , according to the law of conservation of energy a new method is put forward that can simultaneously deduce the calculation formulas of transmission ratio and efficiency by solving torque equations of gear trains .


  24. In this paper we define the reflectance and the transmittance , and then by calculation we further identify that radiant energy obeys law of conservation of energy as the light passes increased transmission layer .


  25. Based on the law of conservation of energy and the analysis of the detailed movement of beam pumping unit by complex vector analysis , mathematical model of electric current , polish rod load and point of suspension displacement was established .


  26. On the basis of the slender body theory of James Lighthill , this paper calculates the thrust efficiency of robotic fish with the law of conservation of energy , the law of momentum and the law of wave .


  27. The article uses the law of conservation of energy to analyse the energy transformation in the course of magnetic field acting on electrie current . It discusses the work of magnet force and the basic relationship between magnetic energy and power supply .


  28. More specifically , things with metaphysical necessity are meta-laws , such as the Law of Conservation of Energy , whereas things with physical / natural necessity are first-order laws , such as Newton Law of Gravitation .


  29. Based on the law of conservation of energy , the flattened Lorentzian function ( FL ) is chosen as the distribution of flattened beam . The mapping function of arbitrary ray in incident plane and image plane was deduced .


  30. From the point of view of physics , von Neumann 's theory will lead to the result that " the potential energy of a particle may be over the total energy with a definite probability ", it contradicts the law of conservation of energy .
