- v.称赞;赞扬;赞美
- laud的现在分词

Germany sternly rebuffed foreign critics of its economic policies , lauding the strength of its recovery while criticising its trade partners for lax finances and currency manipulation .
In an apparent response to rising discontent over food safety , China 's public security ministry has issued several statements in recent days lauding the results of a police crackdown on fake meat vendors and suppliers .
Let sing out our own song lauding life , lauding world .
Vice President-elect Joe Biden also spoke , lauding the value of work and the dignity it brings .
We laud him a warmhearted man .
Many people still laud him for his tactics , and his actions certainly changed the world .
Laud an organization for its environmental consciousness .
Even if Mr Obama had been so inclined , this was no time to laud private enterprise .
The two countries laud their booming bilateral trade , which should reach $ 60 billion this year .
Cultivated Laud Utilization and Its Society-economy Evaluation of Yangzhong City
Project Study of Joining the Laud and Ferry Boat in Railway Ferry Ferries Study Subject Group , Dalian Railway Institute
UN Secretary-General Ant ó nio Guterres has also taken time to specifically laud Chinese peacekeepers .
I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends ; I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers .
Kathy was very pleased to have graduated cum laud in her class .
In lauding the victorious nations , the FIFA President also made a point of praising those who missed out .
praise . We laud him a warmhearted man .
Chinese state media reports laud the project for contributing to the economy of Myanmar and solidifying the brotherly bond between the two countries .
Land macro-control is the synthesis of the policies and measures that the government regulates and controls macro-economy working with laud as the means .
Factories implement a top quality management ( TQM ), lauding do a good job for the first time , taking precautions first for the quality of ideas !
Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong 's rich .
Local media pounced on the image lauding the young man 's apparent dedication to his studies , a paragon of studious virtue .
The bloc is stepping up efforts to improve energy efficiency , which environmentalists and economists laud as the most cost-effective way to combat global warming .
Maternity is a lofty , great word . Domestic and foreign literature from old era to today has almost all described the maternity with praise and laud .
Laud took his mission as the head of the Church of England to be the squelching of this Puritan opposition .
There are some who laud the birth of a " Beijing Consensus " to rival the previously omnipotent " Washington consensus " .
These four countries have similar rates of childhood and adult obesity , as well as similar cultural attitudes that laud thinness and being physically active , Dr. Puhl said .
An Anglican and royalist martyr , Archbishop laud .
The fact that Journey of the West is coming to U.S. television screens has been widely circulated on Chinese social media , where thousands of people have left comments , many lauding the news .
No matter how ugly and perverse or whatnot they were , people would keep lauding them to the skies like mad just the same because they were dignitaries .
Imagine how noble and dignified a queen would be and how people would keep lauding her to the skies like mad ! It is indeed great fun for me to visualize all of this .