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美 [ˈlæˌplænd]英 [ˈlæpˌlænd]
  • 网络拉普兰;拉普兰德


a region in northmost Europe inhabited by Lapps
Synonym: Lappland


  1. SIXTH STORY . The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman


  2. A trip to Lapland truly allows you to experience a winter wonderland !


  3. RICHARD QUEST , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Lapland , the Arctic Circle .


  4. Nobody was at home except an old Lapland woman , who was dressing fish by the light of an oil lamp .


  5. and they went to the Lapland woman , who made some new clothes for them and repaired their sledges .


  6. The Santa Claus beloved by children the world over is said to live in the Lapland region of northern Finland .


  7. Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May , so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero .


  8. Lapland is home to the Samis , a native people who were gradually driven northward by development in Scandinavia .


  9. Finally , don 't tell rudolph , but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well .


  10. Lapland knows no fixed boundaries ; it extends across arctic Sweden , Norway , and Finland into Russia .


  11. But Finnish lapland , traditional rival of Greenland for the title , was not represented at the congress .


  12. She holds 3 specialities : public health , health administration , tropical medicine . She is also a retired president of the Nursing college of Lapland .


  13. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland , a land that includes the north part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia .


  14. A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole , but in the Lapland region of Finland .


  15. Differences in incomes , growth and price movements are inevitable in a union that stretches from Aran to Athens and from Lapland to Lisbon .


  16. Maximize your time away from the office and , therefore , him by being the first to volunteer when it 's announced that someone needs to check up on operations in Lapland .


  17. In Swedish lapland , 200km north of the Arctic circle lies the village of jukkasj ? Rvi on the river torne .


  18. Nor could I pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of Lapland , Siberia , Spitzbergen , Nova Zembla , Iceland , Greenland ,


  19. The Finnish landscape is mostly flat with few hills and its highest point , the Haltitunturi at1,328 m , is found in the extreme north of Lapland .


  20. This bit of half-wild Lapland has its own international airport , with dozens of planes in and out everyday and direct flights from places like London , Budapest and Milan .


  21. Far away in the frozen lands beyond the northern forests the lapps , a Mongolian people , had drifted westward as far as lapland , but they played no part in the main current of history .


  22. Alipay , the payment platform of China 's e-commerce giant Alibaba , announced last Tuesday that it has extended its service to the northernmost part of the world : the Santa Claus Village in Lapland , Finland .


  23. Besides dropping in on Santa , visitors to Lapland can enjoy trekking and skiing in Lemmenjoki Park with its dreamlike arctic landscape , dense forests , and free wilderness huts that dot the area .


  24. and the little maiden looked very serious , but she nodded her head , and said , " That 's no matter -- that 's no matter . Do you know where Lapland lies ! " she asked of the Reindeer .


  25. And there are some comfortable ways to see them , thanks to hotels offering northern lights safaris , including the newly opened Ion Luxury Adventure Hotel in Iceland and the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland ( and actually within the Arctic Circle ) . -
