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  • 网络跨越速运;昆盈企业;昆盈;台湾;跨越航空速运
  1. Research on Kye Technology of Chemiluminescence Detection System for Microfluidic Chip


  2. Still , Hill described Kim Kye Kwan 's attempts to address the issue as " positive . "


  3. US Assistance Secretary of State Hill and DPRK Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan are both in Beijing these days .


  4. North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan did not provide details but said there are still differences that both countries are trying to work out .


  5. Hill spoke Wednesday with reporters in Seoul , a day after his meeting in Beijing with North Korean counterpart Kim Kye Kwan .


  6. Hill met with Kim Kye Kwan , his negotiating counterpart in six-nation talks aimed at ending North Korea 's nuclear weapons capabilities altogether .


  7. As far as I know , Kim Kye Gwan , head of the DPRK delegation of the Six-Party Talks has arrived in Beijing and started his work .


  8. But whereas people used to belittle members of the kangaroo tribe for being socially and financially inept , Kye said the stigma has begun to wane .


  9. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill says a meeting in Singapore with North Korea 's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan went well and he hoped to make further announcements soon .


  10. Negotiators in the six-nation process are now pinning their hopes on a meeting scheduled Thursday in Geneva between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill and senior North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan .
