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  1. Civets are used around the world not only for their meat but for a musk used to stabilise perfume-which animal rights groups object to-and to produce kopi luwak , also known as civet coffee .


  2. If demand remains at current levels , prices are likely to continue rising because kopi luwak is becoming increasingly scarce .


  3. At the time , kopi luwak went for $ 100-600 a pound - cheap compared to Black Ivory Coffee .


  4. The droppings are washed and the beans , sold as Kopi Luwak , can cost hundreds of dollars per pound .


  5. Kopi Luwak . The coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the total annual production is only around 500 pounds of beans .


  6. Olivier tichit , the head of Indo cafco , a coffee company based in Sumatra that also sells kopi luwak , believes the loss of habitat is at a critical point .


  7. In 2010 , word spread about what was then thought to be the most expensive coffee in the world : kopi luwak , a Southeast Asian brew made from coffee berries passed through the digestive tract of an Asian palm civet .
