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美 [ˈkiːlɪŋ]英 [ˈkiːlɪŋ]
  • v.(使)倾覆,翻倒
  • n.防擦索
  • keel的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT (船的)龙骨
    The keel of a boat is the long, specially shaped piece of wood or steel along the bottom of it.

  • 2
    PHRASE 平稳进行;顺顺当当
    If you say that someone or something is on an even keel, you mean that they are working or progressing smoothly and steadily, without any sudden changes.

    Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.


  1. The theoretical analysis for Keeling of fishing vessel caused by icing and to cope with its harmful effect in winter


  2. Here 's our quotation . The prices are FOB Keeling .


  3. The half-century record that Keeling produced is extremely valuable , but it is too short to place the current situation in context .


  4. Contemporary illustrations show cathedral spires collapsing , vaults caving in , high scaffolding keeling over in a chaos of planks and poles .


  5. The human impact of human-initiated influences on the Falkland Islands , and two tropical island groups in the eastern Indian Ocean-Christmas Island and the Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands is described .


  6. In ship construction , the one side backing weld using flux-cored wires and ceramic backings has no operational sequences such as , the gouging of the Opposite groove , sanding , segmentation keeling over , etc , which greatly improves shipbuilding efficiency .
