king of pop
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But the King of Pop sees it differently .
The full autopsy report on the late Michael Jackson shed light on the King of Pop like never before-and the results are probably even stranger than you 're thinking .
The King of Pop is dead , long live the King of Pop .
Here are some shocking news to tell us about the king of pop ,
How are you paying tribute to the late King of Pop ?
Michael Jackson , known worldwide as the King of Pop , has died .
Some people compare him as Michael Jackson , the king of pop singer in the world .
The King of Pop was begged to perform by President-elect Obama .
Michael will forever be recognized for what he truly is * the King of Pop .
I think every body knows who Michael Jackson is , The king of pop , musician from America .
Although he is the king of pop songs , he music is still too hard-edged for me .
King of Pop - Michael Jackson
King of Pop Michael Jackson was spotted dancing in a black fedora on various occasions .
People are coming from all over the country to see the statue and compare its likeness to the king of pop .
And on Sunday night a hologram of the late King Of Pop rocked the Billboard Music Awards .
King of Pop ( 2000 ) Elvis was the King , MJ the King ( of Pop ) .
Roy Litchnstein , who helped start the movement in the1950s , continues to rule as the king of pop art into the90s .
Known as the " King of Pop ," Jackson ` s dramatic stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by legions of fans around the world .
The king of Pop was also the king of profligacy , spending his final years fending off creditors in spite of prodigious earnings over four decades .
The King of Pop has been named as having the highest posthumous celebrity earnings in the world with the total being somewhere around a staggering $ 275 million .
No words can express how saddened and distraught I am at the tragic and untimely loss of'The King of Pop ' , Michael Jackson .
An interview in " People " magazine with a Los Angeles plastic surgeon named Dr. Wallace Goodstein said the King of Pop came into the office frequently for procedures .
Realtor Suzanne Perkins told the Wall Street Journal that the amusement park the late King of Pop constructed and his beloved exotic animals have long been removed .
Call it irony , call it the silver lining of a tragic death & Michael Jackson 's passing has put the King of Pop back on top of the music charts .
That surrounded Michael Jackson 's life and career , 44 % of respondentsthought that his talent for performing was the one element that mostdefined the late King of Pop .
Al Fayed , who was a close friend of the " King of Pop ", caused controversy after announcing he wanted to place the tribute to Jackson outside the west London ground .
It 's no consolation for the felled King of Pop but his death has sparked the revival he hoped to achieve with those ill-fated comeback concerts in London .
Despite his troubles , the death of the singer dubbed the " King of Pop " has been greeted with widespread sadness by statesmen , fellow superstars and ordinary people alike .
Jackson , still viewed as " The King of Pop " by his fans , has lived the life of a virtual recluse since his acquittal of child abuse charges at a2005 trial .
The music icon from Gary , Indiana , is known as the " King of Pop . " Jackson had many No.1 hits and his " Thriller " is one of the best-selling albums of all time .