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  • abbr.Johnston Warren Lines 约翰兔行
  1. Display client date and time by using local format with JWL


  2. The first step to create the JWL mashup application is creating a Faces project .


  3. The results showed that ( 1 ) JWL injection can facilitate neural stem cells differentiation ;


  4. Display and accept local number format with JWL


  5. The JWL state equation and two-term ignition and growth model are used in small scale gap test .


  6. Use JWL to work with locale-sensitive output and input


  7. The authors assume that readers have a basic knowledge of both JSF and JWL .


  8. In the JWL application , if the user enters an address and clicks a Go !


  9. DateTimeConverter is a utility of the JWL client script library .


  10. Creating the Mashup JWL application from scratch


  11. Place the downloaded JAR file in the WEB-INF / lib folder of your JWL application .


  12. The main difference between the JSF2.0 version and the JWL version is in the way of Ajax handling .


  13. At the same time , for the detonation products , the JWL state equation is adopted , and the air is approximately regarded as the ideal gas .


  14. This is because the Faces Project preset also includes the IBM JWL component library , which you probably would not be using in conjunction with third-party libraries .


  15. As long as you are using JWL tags in page , they will ensure that the library is installed in the page and initialized appropriately .


  16. The conformation rate between the results of JWL Type - ⅱ C Clash Multifunctional Sampler of air microorganisms and flat slab exposure method was the best ( 73.0 % ) .


  17. As you have already seen , you do not need to set up the locale manually , because the JWL determines the locale automatically by reading locale request .


  18. All of the functionality just mentioned is already directly provided for the standard JSF controls and the IBM-supplied JavaServer Faces widget library ( JWL ) component libraries .


  19. To study the process of pollution , transport and decay of the atmosphere pollen , we used JWL 1 bioaerosol sampler to sample pollen in 50m high iron tower of Nanjing University .


  20. In the numerical modeling of divergent detonation , the matched relationship between the viscosity and the mesh size was studied in terms of the Lee-Tarver ′ s reaction rate and JWL equation of state .


  21. The number of bacteria collected by Poton air sampler approximated or ex - ceeded that collected by JWL - ⅱ A-type air sampler with increase in total bacterial count of air .


  22. Results of the tests and thermochemical calculations were used to deduce constants of the JWL equation of state . Finally , the JWL isentropes obtained were applied to calculate the theoretical expansion work of detonation products .


  23. The results showed that the total bacterial count of air was high before disinfection and the number of bacteria collected was small by JWL - ⅱ A-type air sampler , next by Poton air sampler and large by plate natu - ral sedimentation .
