
As a tool , KhanAcademy individualises teaching and makes it interactive and fun .
They thereby answer one common misconception about KhanAcademy : that it makes live teachers less relevant .
If KhanAcademy were merely about those online lectures , of course , it would be in good but large company .
KhanAcademy does have a few history offerings , but they are less convincing than the huge number of maths and science ones .
To KhanAcademy 's fans , the flip that Mr Khan advocates helps to do just that .
When this correspondent visited , they practised on KhanAcademy but then played SKUNK , a game involving probability .
Soon Andrea has an epiphany and starts firing correct answers , getting , in KhanAcademy 's jargon , a " badge , " then going " transonic . "
Indeed , philanthropists such as Bill Gates have such high hopes for the new method that they have given money to KhanAcademy , a tiny non-profit organisation based in Mountain View , next to Los Altos .
The teachers now using KhanAcademy counter that it is meant to be merely one , not the only , teaching tool , and that by freeing up class time it also makes possible other projects that do exactly what Mr Noschese promotes .
It may or may not be KhanAcademy 's software that produces this information . Nonetheless , the academy , " by offering a different model , is forcing the issue that people have speculated about , " says Mr Hanushek at Stanford .
They will not get a lecture from Ms Cadwell , because they have already viewed , at home , various lectures as video clips on KhanAcademy ( given by Salman Khan , its founder ) .
So Ms Cadwell , in her own web browser , pulls up a dashboard where KhanAcademy 's software presents , through the internet , the data the children are producing at that instant . She can view information for the entire class or any individual pupil .
Second , even in these subjects KhanAcademy implicitly reinforces the " sit-and-get " philosophy of teaching , thinks Frank Noschese , a high-school physics teacher in New York . That is , it still " teaches to the test , " without necessarily engaging pupils more deeply .
Worse , says Mr Noschese , KhanAcademy 's deliberate " gamification " of learning - all those cute and addictive " meteorite badges " - may have the " disastrous consequence " of making pupils mechanically repeat lower-level exercises to win awards , rather than formulating questions and applying concepts .