- abbr.千卡;kilocalorie 千卡,大卡

The specific heat of tea leaves is 1.59-1.66kj/kg . K , the total amount of heat needed for making 1 kg made tea is 1750 kcal .
The results show that 20 % CP and 17.3 ~ 19.5 DE / CP ( Kcal / g ) in the diet can improve the gain of pigs and feed conversion efficiency .
The energy consumption was reduced by 1.188 MM kcal / hr .
The average daily dietary intake of calories is 2952 Kcal per person .
The activation energy for thermal degradation in air is found to be 56.5 kcal / mole .
The overall activation energy of copolymerization is 3 . 5 kcal / mol.
The total energy of the former is 50 kcal / mol lower than that of the latter .
Subjects were also placed on a500 kcal deficit diet and received a structured lifestyle modification and exercise program .
The apparent activation energy of heat - degradation , E , from 16.7 to 22.4 kcal . / mol.
Corn-soybean basal diets contained 16.0 % crude protein ( CP ), 2800 kcal / kg energy .
The most favored reaction channel is chromium carbene with a barrier height only 9.63 kcal mol-1 .
You 've racked up a total of5,000 or more kcal burned .
The cis-trans isomerization reaction has been shown to be a first order reaction with an activation energy of 19 kcal / mole .
The activation energy of EER process determined from the rate of EER as a function of annealing temperature is about 7 Kcal / mole .
Addition of 1.5 % DMBA could reduce the activation energy of curing reaction from 39.05 kcal / mol to 16.77 kcal / mol.
Protein 17 % Kcal ( Xinhui ) to 19 % Kcal ( Chaozhou );
Minimal weekly exercise volume for increasing HDL-C level was estimated to be900 kcal of energy expenditure per week or120 minutes of exercise per week .
The calorific power increases from 800 kcal / m3 to 1000-1100kcal / m3 , therefore large amount of coke-oven gas can be saved .
The average energy intake in DM , IFG and normal group was 2 272 kcal , 2 510 kcal and 2 470 kcal respectively .
Upon the neural network correction , the overall RMS error for 296 species decreases from 9.8 kcal / mol to 3.4 kcal / mol.3 .
The rapid pyrolysis of rich oil-shale ore yielded a gaseous product with heat value higher than 8000 kcal / nm ~ 3 , rich in ethylene and propylene .
An apparent activation energy of dissolution of silver was 23.1 kJ / mol ( 5.5 kcal / mol ) within the experimental temperature region of 12.3 to 42.8 ℃ .
In the same temperature range the apparent activition energy of the catalyst reoxidation changes from 12.0 Kcal / mole at high temperature to 33.2 Kcal / mole at low temperature .
The apparent activation energy is about 4.76 KCal / mole . Therefor , it is reasonable to conclude that the diffusion is the rate controlling step of this sulfating process .
Recent studies have also demonstrated that a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet ( 35or45 % of kcal from fat ) was associated with cardiac dysfunction and aberrant energy metabolism .
The utilization ratio of metabolizable energy for growth ( Kpf ) was 25.93 % and the requirement of metabolizable energy for one gram live-weight gain was 5.30 kcal .
Its boundaries may be defined by the cis-trans test . The cis-trans isomerization reaction has been shown to be a first order reaction with an activation energy of 19 kcal / mole .
The results showed that under the high temperature condition of the experiment , the laying diet with 2650 Kcal ME / kg , 17 % CP and a P / E ratio of 64 gave better result .
The activation energies of isopropyl , secondary butyl and 1-phenyl ethyl alcohols have been experimentally determined to be 21.0 , 20.9 and 16.9 Kcal / mole respectively .
The one-electron mechanism is predicted to be spin-conserved and the rate-limiting step is the cleavage of the O-H bond with 27.92 kcal / mol energy barrier .