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  1. ( see a day in the twitter life of Doug Kass . )


  2. Apple 's ( AAPL ) share price was down and Kass was long the stock .


  3. Kass is trying to imbue physics into simulated worlds .


  4. Well , Kass is at it again .


  5. Assistant White House chef Sam Kass carries bowls of beans harvested from the garden .


  6. The active contour model , that is Snake model presented by the Kass et al . , is a new mutual image segmentation tool .


  7. Active contour model ( snake model ), which was introduced by Kass in 1987 , has been used widely in applications of image analysis and computer vision .


  8. Through KASS analysis calculation , acquire the transformation rule of front wheel location parameter and steering error of McPherson suspension and steering system .


  9. Then introduce the solvingframe & Kass method .


  10. Active Contour Model is a method interactive between human and machine brought forward by Kass in 1987 , it 's a contour extract model from top to bottom .


  11. Kass proposed parametric active contour model . It detect image edge by minimize the energy function of spline near the region of interest ( ROI ) .


  12. In January , Aspire Academy 's campus was buzzing as the final game of the Al Kass Cup approached .


  13. Carman Kass looked girlie in a Black Ruffle Chiffon dress .


  14. [ Objective ] To evaluate the clinical outcome of anterior correction of thoracolumbar scoliosis utilizing Kaneda anterior scoliosis system ( KASS ) .


  15. " Science is close to crossing some horrendous boundaries ," says Leon Kass , professor of social thought at the University of Chicago .


  16. Assistant White House chef Sam Kass and executive chef Cristeta Comerford chop vegetables harvested from the garden .


  17. Directional snake derived from Kass ' - s snake improve the detecting capability by charactering image features not only using gradient but using the directional information of gradient vector .


  18. Although Mr Kass is the brewer , the White House stressed that it was Mr Obama who bought the equipment and pays for the ingredients out of his own pocket .


  19. About the only flair acceptable on a business trip is wearing sunglasses with your suit , says 26-year-old Trevor Kass , who works for a merchant bank in London .


  20. Kass thought of the waste-lunch concept as he learned about year-end UN climate negotiations in Paris , which aim to reach a far-reaching global agreement to tackle the planet 's worsening climate change .


  21. Active contour model ( snakes ) was first introduced by Kass in 1987 , since then , it has been improved by many researchers . A quite successful model among them is that of Bayesian statistics-based shape models .


  22. With public excitement about White House beer fermenting such a buzz , we decided we better hop right to it , says the White House 's assistant chef Sam Kass , who brews the ale .


  23. In this dissertation , author creates kinematics mathematical model of McPherson suspension and steering system with multi-rigid-body dynamics theory , and then utilizes MATLAB language to establish kinematics analysis program KASS ( Kinematics Analysis of Suspension & Steering system ) .


  24. Then there 's the option of basing our judgments on what conservative bioethicist Leon Kass once called the wisdom of repugnance & that is , on our commonsense moral intuitions .


  25. Then there 's the option of basing our judgments on what conservative bioethicist Leon Kass once called " the wisdom of repugnance " - that is , on our commonsense moral intuitions .


  26. There is also a video on how the beer is brewed . " God , that is one incredible beer , if I do say so myself . America I wish everyone could taste this but we don 't quite brew enough , " Sam Kass comments at one point .


  27. We 've got the tweet from Doug Kass , whose main Apple-related claim to fame was to publish his " Bear Case for Apple " the day before the stock began a nosedive that lopped $ 300 billion off the market cap of the world 's most valuable company .
