japanese girls

美 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz gɜrlz]英 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz gɜːlz]
  • 网络日本女孩
japanese girlsjapanese girls
  1. Japanese girls are the best .


  2. Normally shy Japanese girls take on the attitudes of sexy , powerful stars , and reserved boys become demi-gods and immortals .


  3. In Japan , men from China are becoming more popular with Japanese girls .


  4. I think Austria is the most beautiful country , and Japanese girls are the most lovely .


  5. NANA , a series of Japanese girls ' comics by artist Ai Yazawa , is popular among teenage girls all over Asia .


  6. These days Japanese girls have a variety of ways to make their eyes appear bigger . There 's even a function to make your eyes so big when you have a photo taken .


  7. Secondly , what you say of Japan is now largely true , due to the fact that most Japanese girls are now so westernised when it comes to these matters .


  8. Japanese girls born last year can expect to live to an average age of 85.8 years , making them the longest-lived in the world , according to figures released by the government on Thursday .


  9. Japanese girls born last year can expect to live to an average age of85.8 years , making them the longest-lived in the world , according to figures released by the government on Thursday .


  10. Now , if you want to see 19-year-old Russian boys dressed up like health-goth ( think fetish punk meets Soul Cycle ) Japanese girls , Denis Simachev is probably your best bet .


  11. their Japanese counterparts are normal girls who acquire super powers from a chemical reaction initiated by a rice cake .


  12. make-up artist Shinobu Abe disagrees : " Japanese women copy western girls ' eyes , to make them look bigger and rounder . They curl lashes , apply layers of mascara , then false lashes , " he says .


  13. Though Phillips does not think western trends have much effect on the Japanese beauty market , make-up artist Shinobu Abe disagrees : Japanese women copy western girls ' eyes , to make them look bigger and rounder .
