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  1. What would you like to see in the Iwatch ?


  2. Analysts are also anticipating an apple watch ( Iwatch ? )


  3. Imagine what an accelerometer would enable the Iwatch to do .


  4. Could apple be developing an Iwatch ?


  5. A patent application in Japan for an Iwatch suggests apple is serious about wearables .


  6. If an Iwatch is designed on the larger side , it could prove more popular with men than women .


  7. Paying via the iWatch , Apple 's new wrist gizmo , is probably even quicker .


  8. Don 't call it an iWatch ;


  9. Some of the more interesting speculation concerns the launch of a wearable device - the mythical iWatch , maybe ?


  10. Some believe larger screens will be a feature of the new phone , while others are on tenterhooks about iWatch wearable devices .


  11. Expect a me-too , made-in-Taiwan boom in wearable devices after Apple releases the iWatch later this year .


  12. Swiss watchmaker Swatch has successfully opposed Apple 's registration of the trademark " iWatch " in the UK .


  13. The iWatch has been rumored for years , and we can only speculate about the myriad features it will offer .


  14. Anyone up for an iWatch ?


  15. While it still requires an iPhone to connect to the Internet , it is easy to see a future iWatch that eliminates the need for the phone entirely .


  16. Knowing how Apple works , if it does launch an " Iwatch , " it will probably be just one watch that comes in a variety of colors .


  17. Swatch said the name " iWatch " was too similar to its own trademarks for the words " iSwatch " and " Swatch . "


  18. But should the California-based company wish to use the name " iWatch " in the UK at some point in future , it can now do so only with certain products .


  19. ' Our source says that Apple is hesitant about launching the iWatch in the spring of 2015 without a new iPhone to go along with it ,' explained Mr Miller .


  20. Such devices have been tipped as the next big thing in technology after the smartphone , yet some think Apple will trounce them all when it launches its iWatch .


  21. Although Apple infamously holds its cards close to its vest , it 's working on its own new products -- some that could create an entirely new category like the rumored iWatch .


  22. Given all the buzz , you 'd think an iWatch from Apple would be a case of " when " rather than " if . " In theory , such a device could push computing forward .


  23. Such new products could offer Apple new areas of growth -- the iWatch alone could produce $ 6 billion in revenue -- and beef up the company 's profit margins to levels that would impress investors again .


  24. On Tuesday , Apple will return to the center to unveil a set of long-anticipated products : two iPhones with larger screens and a wearable computer that the media has nicknamed the iWatch .


  25. As if WWDC didn 't give the Apple AAPL - 0.28 % bloggers enough to write about , Friday brought a fresh round of rumors about what everybody is calling the iWatch .


  26. Given popular bracelets like Jawbone 's Up and the Nike + ( NKE ) Fuel Band , the iWatch could also be a similar health device , keeping track of things like steps taken and calories burned .


  27. Enter the " Iwatch " & the apple Smartwatch that the company has supposedly been working on for over a year or so , that is , of course , if you believe the tech press .


  28. And then there 's the iWatch .


  29. Chances are an iWatch wouldn 't run for long on conventional watch batteries , so we hope Apple finds a way to make it rechargeable via Lightning cord or even partly by wrist movements like today 's kinetic watches .


  30. Apple has also been working on a smartwatch , stepping up its development effort in the middle of last year , though it is unclear when the device , which has already been widely nicknamed the iWatch , will appear .
