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  • 意大利;【医】【=italic】斜体的,斜体字
  1. Research of Technique to Dig out the Pointed Dig ital Image


  2. Secondly , information cap ital acts as a sort of monopoly based knowledge ;


  3. To improve the stock of human capital , investment in human cap - ital is needed .


  4. The institution affects economic growth mainly through the investment of cap - ital and labor force .


  5. Objective To investigate role of reverse digital artery island flap combined with dig - ital nerve end to side anastomosis .


  6. My mother had to stay with him in the ho ital for a month .


  7. He checked into his local ho ital .


  8. He was pronounced dead at a ho ital , a police okesman said .


  9. San Francisco General Ho ital .


  10. Background & Maintaining the integrity of arterial elastin is ital for the prevention of abdominal aortic aneurysm ( AAA ) development .


  11. Barbie survived and was in Children 's Ho ital of Philadelphia recovering from shoulder , hand and leg injuries .


  12. Further research is ital if we are to understand the oerall mechanisms inoled in sexual maturation in boys .


  13. In the light of human cap - ital , the article assorts corporate governance models into shareholder primacy , employee primacy and common governance model ;


  14. Corresponding nursing measures and treatment were adopted by obsering on controlled fluid infusion , consciousness , urinary olume , ital signs , diet and summarizing literature and clinical experience .


  15. Based on the introduction of the component connection model ( CCM ), CCM for analog-dig ital hybrid circuit is discussed firstly , then the automatic generating method with computer in the end .


  16. A mother whose throat was slashed and newborn baby kidna Ed was released from the ho ital Sunday as authorities said they found a knife on property near her home .


  17. The increase of the reduced masses as well as the decrease of the bond-angles will ital to the increase of the irregular ( chaotic ) extents of responding eigenvalue-spectra of vibrating-energy .


  18. NA : Oils , ointment lotio should not be a lied and do not remove clothing in order to prevent contamination , then tra ort the patient to ho ital as soon as po ible .


  19. In my bunk with Nicklin 's laptop , lingering over his dig ital portraits of the curious calf , I thought I could read , in its strange visage , a gargantuan impishness .


  20. The violent flow of the cap - ital will inevitably bring the fluctuation by a wide margin of the product cost on the cap - ital market . The basic assets price of financial derivative will inevitably fluctuate , bring - ing the enormous risk to financial derivative .
