- 网络兴趣指标;国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛;国际奥林匹克信息学竞赛;国际信息学奥林匹克;国际信息奥林匹克竞赛

If you begin to get these IOI 's from your targeted female , chances are she 's ready to be kissed !
Ioi , that 's good , and I think that if the parents can be loving and stable for their children , the kids must have a big advantage .
In the real world , IOI encourages Oasis fans to run up debts that it collects by forcing them into indentured servitude .
Faced with the needs of secondary Olympiad in Informatics ( IOI / NOI ), the Collegiate Programming Contest ( ACM-ICPC ) and various computer teaching program evaluation , we designed and developed the program evaluation system .
Among his rivals are a few fellow believers and Nolan Sorrento ( Ben Mendelsohn ) , the head of a company called IOI that wants to bring Halliday 's paradise under corporate control .