
美 [ˌɪnˈtɛrəˌgeɪtərz]英 [ɪnˈtɛrəʊgeɪtəz]
  • n.问答机;询问器;质(讯)问者
  • interrogator的复数
  1. They may possess valuable intelligence information which interrogators can obtain from them .


  2. He never saw his interrogators because he was always blindfolded .


  3. My father told his interrogators that he was ready to make a confession .


  4. Therefore , interrogators should follow certain principles to properly use the deceptive and luring strategy .


  5. The interrogators finally got a statement out of die prisoner , but it was not a true One .


  6. But many people worry that in terrorism cases , it ties the hands of interrogators trying to get vital information .


  7. She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance .


  8. as well as a summary of what Taliban detainees are said to have told their American interrogators .


  9. Meanwhile , the investigation officer will examine the characteristics and emotional characteristics of understanding , and also help to interrogators avoid weaknesses .


  10. Questioning the application of strategies can be to help interrogators to obtain the true confessions of criminal suspects .


  11. For the moment Central Intelligence Agency interrogators are confined to the gentle methods laid out in the army field manual .


  12. Word of the probe follows release of a report showing interrogators used harsh tactics including a threat to kill one suspect 's children .


  13. I personally have no doubts that within a few years the Turing Test will be passed , particularly if " average " interrogators are involved .


  14. This thesis finally provides a tentative model as the guideline for interrogators on how to choose proper question types and sentence structures in order to transmit information more effectively .


  15. The very fact that CIA interrogators thought they needed to water-board two prisoners a total of 260 times says all that needs to be said about efficacy .


  16. After his arrest , Hanssen himself told his interrogators of how easy it was to smuggle information out of FBI headquarters .


  17. In investigative interrogation , interrogation language is the information carrier of interrogators and suspects , and the effective tool of embodying and carrying out interrogative strategies and methods .


  18. In the light of this framework , we address two research questions ( 1 ) How are different types of Theme and different patterns of thematic progression adopted by interrogators in police interrogation ?


  19. He says that , during his initial two months in the United States , he had been subjected to harsh mental and physical torture by agents and interrogators from the CIA .


  20. Therefore , these verbal cues are believed in the present study as red flags of deception and helpful clues for the interrogators to perceive the psychological status of lying suspects .


  21. And it made her an instant hero among the millions of television viewers who had tuned in to watch the face-off between the Murdochs and their parliamentary interrogators .


  22. On the background of normal radio frequency identification system , this paper introduces Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and adaptive fre - quency hopping in grouping interrogators which can decrease fixed frequency interference and increase ratio of identification .


  23. Would interrogators be justified in , say , torturing or killing the children of a suspected terrorist to persuade him to give up information they considered vital to save American lives ? Presumably , Yes .


  24. Interrogators during questioning of criminal suspects against the psychological characteristics shown to adopt different ways and means of interrogation , the suspect for uniforms to achieve the intended purpose of the questioning clear away the obstacles .


  25. The secondary radar IFF ( Identification of Friend-or-Foe ) systems mainly consisting of interrogators and transponders , are used to identify the friend-or-foe attribute of the targets that are detected by the primary radar .


  26. At his confirmation hearings for the post of secretary of state he rode roughshod over his interrogators ( " No one has a monopoly on virtue , not even you , senator " ) .


  27. Turing 's concept was that a machine would need to fool a minimum of30 % of its " average human " interrogators into not being able to correctly state which half of the screen was which in order to pass .


  28. Due to using the same work frequency and all-direct responding in the systems , there are a great deal of effects such as fruit garbling and capture , which will badly impose the right identification probability of the interrogators .


  29. According to blogger Chu Zhouxian , who has visited a real interrogation centre at a secret location , the interrogators sit behind a high desk while the chastened official is given a lower than normal chair to reflect the fall from power .


  30. " As far as I was concerned ," rundstedt , who was reinstated on september4as commander in chief in the west , told allied interrogators after the war ," the war was ended in september . "
