
  • n.传染性;传染力
  1. Loop function barrier , according to infectiousness shock management .


  2. Strong infectiousness of mother is an important factor in intrauterine infection .


  3. HBeAg was an important marker showing activity and infectiousness of HBV ;


  4. Construction of Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus Infectiousness Clone and the Establishment of LAMP Examination Method


  5. The effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1 on the infectiousness of tuberculosis


  6. Sexually transmitted infections : control strategies There 's a new emphasis on reducing the period of infectiousness


  7. Wound infectiousness pseudo femoral artery lump treatment experience


  8. A Study of the " Infectiousness " by the Female Suicide Behavior and the Problem of Collective Suicide


  9. Calculation for the Incubation Period of SARS and Follow-up Study on the Infectiousness of the Convalescent SARS Patients ;


  10. Those pathogens can then be redesigned for greater infectiousness .


  11. P < 0 . 01 . The serum contents of Zn in 13 patients with infectiousness is less than that in healthy person ;


  12. The average patient infectiousness over the505 days of the study was six times greater than that recorded in the1950 's study .


  13. The purpose to explore and pass on some rhetoric common sense is to display the infectiousness of language and to raise their reading appreciation ability .


  14. Conclusion Serum SIgA in hepatitis B patients is an important marker in evaluating the infectiousness of HBV and the degree of hepatocyte necrosis .


  15. The disease often existed in the form of subclinical infection and had the characteristics of strong infectiousness . refractory and high recurrence rates [ 2 ] . caused great health and economic burden to patients .


  16. In this paper , we establish the SIV epidemic model with impulsive vaccination and age of infection , which describes the diseases that have infectiousness in latent period , and the population size changes with time .


  17. On the crosswise stratification plane , namely compared with other youth communities ' political socializations , the political socialization of college students has systematic characteristic , the high-level anticipated target , strong community infectiousness and the ways ' diversification and so on .


  18. Objective : To observe if the tissue sections ( TS ) and the applications for pathologic examination ( APE ) had been polluted by hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) and they have infectiousness in the department of pathology in the infection hospital .


  19. HBeAg and anti-HBc had the highest HBV DNA positivity of 96 . 15 % ( 50 / 52 ), significantly higher than other patterns ( P < 0 . 025-0 . 001 ) . The results suggested that the antigenic-ity of HBsAg was not correlated to infectiousness ;
