
美 [ɪnˈdʌkʃənz]英 [ɪnˈdʌkʃənz]
  • n.归纳法;引产;入门;就职;就职仪式;催生;接纳会员
  • induction的复数



  • 1
    N-VAR 就职;就职仪式;入门
    Induction is a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life.

    ...the induction of the girls into the sport.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 归纳;归纳法
    Induction is a method of reasoning in which you use individual ideas or facts to give you a general rule or conclusion.

  • 3
    N-UNCOUNT 电磁感应
    Induction is the process by which electricity or magnetism is passed between two objects or circuits without them touching each other.

  • 4
    See also:induce

  1. Multi-Point Synchronous Temperature Measurement System for Temperature Distribute of on-site Inductions Brazing of Tubes


  2. A Relevance Similarity Model of Feature Inductions


  3. Inductions and Discussions of Solid State Phase Transformation of Titanium Alloy (ⅳ) & Classifications of Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy


  4. There had no relation between callus inductions with germination of seed in the process of callus induction .


  5. Its point of departure is Experience ; including under that name both our immediate consciousness and the inductions from it .


  6. When many cell modulators are paralleled , their distributed inductions are also paralleled , the effective distributed inductance of the modulator is reduced .


  7. The results showed that within the range of exposure dosages , different inductions of Cd2 + to activities of SOD and CAT in above tissues of A.


  8. Eighty patients with non-hypertension and no significant cardiovascular disease were divided four groups to observe the cardiovascular responses provoked by intubation during various intravenous inductions .


  9. With their inductions , there will be41 members of the Greatest Players wing , and12 enshrined for Meritorious Service .


  10. To mild and moderate exacerbation subjects , inductions were repeated at 4h and 8h . Absolute and differential counts of inflammatory cells of the sputum were performed .


  11. By analyzing the actuality , existed issues , space pattern as well as the main tendency in further development . This thesis is to bring forward basic ideas and policy inductions to integrate the area 's industries .


  12. The second chapter is about letter of credit soft clause types and its relief , this chapter makes some inductions to several types of and makes some discussion to letter of credit soft clause relief questions .


  13. The gap between the instructors is in evidence and the number of class one is too less . There have the situation of undocumented inductions . In Instructors team , there are short of highly educated people .


  14. The chapter 1 analyzes the urgency of the public crisis management , points out the great significance and elaborates the present situation of the research to the public crisis management , and makes inductions to the main research mentality and the methods of this article .


  15. As we all know , the environment of periodontal regeneration is much complicated , including the participation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions , extracellular matrix and growth factors . Therefore , it is almost impossible to achieve predictable periodontal regeneration with non-physiological inductions mediated by scaffolds or some growth factors .
