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  • 网络印度;印第安座
  1. Building up scientific sustainable development index system in cities between indi


  2. Its true , said my little sister , Indi .


  3. The number and type of gene alteration were different among indi - viduals .


  4. These relation indi - cate the general characteristics of the solution for the Lagrange problem .


  5. On the Rules of Game and Techniques inDi Zhi Qiu


  6. Indi , a diagnostics maker , is commercializing the blood test .


  7. These results indi - cate that the sex hormone internal environment disorder is closely related to the osteoarthritis mechanism .


  8. The experimental results have indi - cated that the accuracy of active TV synchronization is better than 0.2 μ s.


  9. The last two decades have witnessed a marked turnaround in Indi 's food-grain sector .


  10. The Application of Genetic Identification Cards in Family Planning System The number and type of gene alteration were different among indi - viduals .


  11. Surgical and non-surgical indi - cations were assessed by clinical features , volume of hematoma and intracranial pressure .


  12. In addition , the quantities of tissue ratio of wood moleculars of indi - vidual tree species were determined .


  13. Construction of the pre-school Teacher Qualification System is an important means to promote the pre-school education career development and teachers ' indi vidual professional growth .


  14. The indi - vidual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment . He was a paradox .


  15. The result indi cated that not only vaccinia virus , but also adenovirus and insect virus promoters can work well in E , coli system .


  16. The characteristics , mineralization and prospecting indi - cations of Cyprus-type copper deposits in mid-west section of the North Qilian mountains , China


  17. Studies indi - cate that for elite athletes who have already trained , the improvement in endurance performance can be achieved by high-intensity interval training ( HIT ) .


  18. This study indi - cates : accuracy , recovery and reproducibility of this method are the same as those of Ofner method for the pure reducing sugars solution ;


  19. The results clearly indi - cate that winter circulation condition over the tropical western Pacific predominantly influences the subsequent South and East Asia Monsoon circulations and summer rainfall in China .


  20. The serum samples were examined by indi - rect haemagglutination test ( IHA ) and the stool examination was carried out for serum-positive cases .


  21. Based on these findings and measuring methods towards IT-maturity , the paper developes indi - cators to measure the level of IT-maturity fitted to Chinese present situations , especially in banking industry .


  22. The " 5 + 1 " structure formed by the reform of telecom system in2002marked with the division of China Telecom doesn 't indi cate that the reform in China telecom industry has been completed .


  23. Thus the authors established the relative rearing technical methods , i. e. fingerling stocking size , larger than 30 g / indi . ; suitable stocking density , 10500 ~ 14055 fish per ha .


  24. Clam seedlings , about 5 mm in shell length were released into suitable sea area for further growing , with a bottom-sowing density of 1 . 5 million indi . / ha .


  25. Wu Mingshi makes the heroin Indi live through difficulties and hardships of revolution , love affairs , sins , religion and universe , aiming at searching for ideal life based on real and perfect humanity .


  26. Cerebral cysticercosis is main indi - cation . 2.Atypical clinical symptom , often associated epilepsy and subcutaneous nodule are final diagnosed depending on CT and pathology . Praziquantel is safe and effective given adult dose .


  27. The focus of the construction of China 's pension insurance system is to vigorously develop the corporate annuity system and establish a 3-pillar social security system composed of basic social pension insurance , corporate annuity and indi - vidual savings .


  28. Dynamic studies of the hydrogenation of α & methyl styrene in a three-phase slurry reactor showed that catalytic reduction temperature appreciably affects indi - vidual values of adsorption equilibrium constants , adsorption rate coefficients , and surface reaction rate coefficients .


  29. During the process of production socialization , cooperation system is an effective form transforming workers ' indi - vidual ownership to society 's ownership , and developing market economy and consummating cooperation system are an internal power to push forward the development of production socialization .


  30. The results indi - cated the techniques of anther culture on the hybrid between wild and cultivated rice is one of the most effective way to overcome the unsteady of the hybrid progenies , long breeding cycle and to quicken the utilization of wild rice resources .
