in the quarter

美 [ɪn ðə ˈkwɔːrtər]英 [ɪn ðə ˈkwɔːtə(r)]
  • 在本季度
in the quarterin the quarter
  1. Margins hit an all-time high in the quarter .


  2. Net income has nearly quadrupled . Margins hit an all-time high in the quarter .


  3. The company also said 9 % fewer loans went bad in the quarter .


  4. Typically , suppliers reduce production in the quarter following a new iPhone release .


  5. Goldman said yesterday that it had recorded only one daily trading loss in the quarter .


  6. Analysts expect the company will earn $ 1.37 a share in the quarter .


  7. And 40 % of ad impressions in the quarter were shown on mobile devices .


  8. But Goldman said it took a cautious stance on Europe in the quarter .


  9. India has been the world 's second fastest growing large economy , achieving 8.6 per cent growth in the quarter to March .


  10. Amazon 's sales grew by44 % in the quarter , in line with expectations .


  11. Somewhere in the quarter we achieved a supply-demand balance with iPad and stayed there for the rest of the quarter .


  12. The change is even more dramatic when you consider that Apple sold only 17.1 million iPhones in the quarter that ended in September .


  13. US consumer spending on durable goods jumped in the quarter , fuelled by the popular cash-for-clunkers car-buying subsidy .


  14. Mobile shopping represented 10 % of e-commerce in the quarter ending in September , according to comScore ( SCOR ) .


  15. Day 7 dairy cow embryos were quartered directly with a glass needle resulting in the quarter embryos ( QEs ) .


  16. GM Europe lost $ 256 million in the quarter , before interest and taxes , compared with a scant $ 5 million profit a year ago .


  17. All lines of business performed well and contributed favourably to the strong results in the quarter , particularly the life reinsurance line , which reported exceptionally favourable mortality results .


  18. Revenue from mergers and acquisition is also expected to be down markedly in the quarter , generating an estimated $ 4.3 billion for Wall Street , down around 23 % from last year .


  19. Lagging just outside of the top five in the quarter is upstart smartphone maker , Xiaomi , with 6 % of the market , a significant jump from about three years ago when the company first began offering phones .


  20. Analysts are eager to see Avon put this issue behind it so the direct seller of beauty products can focus on executing a turnaround ( the company reported a loss in the quarter as it also did for all of 2012 ) .


  21. Hourly output by workers declined 1.3 % in the first quarter


  22. Look for hotels in the French Quarter .


  23. The steel output in the first quarter of the year was higher than the previous record for that period .


  24. More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce , the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016 .


  25. The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4 % in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4 % gain in the following three months .


  26. China 's foreign trade of goods climbed 3.7 percent year on year in the first quarter to 7.01 trillion yuan ( 1.04 trillion U.S. dollars ) , customs data showed Friday .


  27. But if we now look at the best students from the 30 worst schools , we see that they ’ re publishing more than those in the top quarter of the best schools in the country .


  28. Operation Analysis of Electric Power Industry in the First Quarter 2001 ;


  29. Energy economy situation and development trend in the second quarter in China


  30. The application on utilization project of reclaimed water in the residential quarter
