
  • adv.不可思议地;未必然地,不像真实地


not easy to believe
behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains
Synonym: incredibly implausibly unbelievably


  1. He claimed , improbably , that he had never been there .


  2. Many operated legitimately , but some offered improbably low prices .


  3. Not improbably this circumstance wrought a very material change in the public estimation ;


  4. Those improbably large gains come largely from increasing sales in underserved markets .


  5. Do you see that man over there with the improbably large biceps ?


  6. Improbably , a year later , the programme is decidedly unpopular .


  7. But suddenly , improbably , one day the long-steed surged into action .


  8. Cheating among the students seemed to be rampant as an improbably large proportion of them reported rolling high numbers .


  9. Not improbably , he had never before viewed himself as he did now .


  10. At times , as I can testify , our assault on the US market was improbably audacious .


  11. I had never laid eyes on the apartment in an improbably pink building that I was about to call home for the next three months .


  12. Improbably , he survived , but he exhibited stark behavioral changes & becoming detached and irreverent , though never criminal .


  13. Born and raised in New York , he developed catholic musical tastes early on , with a collection of 10,000 records and an improbably encouraging father .


  14. But it has only 96 actual residents , and those live in housing tucked improbably between power stations and warehouses and mostly owned by the city .


  15. At the Sant'Eustachio caff è , near the Pantheon , every espresso is topped with an improbably thick layer of chestnut-hued foam ;


  16. Square dancing has become an improbably hot topic in China , with stories on the dancing damas – not all of them flattering – lighting up state media .


  17. No man is allowed to be a judge in His own cause , because His interest would certainly bias His judgement , and , not improbably , corrupt His integrity .


  18. In a more macabre twist , a tattoo that was supposed to say ' Fear No Man ' improbably turned out to be ' Coffin Man .


  19. But no. the ball rolled sweetly towards the hole , improbably curving round , hovered on the edge of the cup , then tumbled in .


  20. So even if the European Council was able to agree on such an improbably ambitious agenda , its leaders would have to continue to outdo themselves for months and years to come .


  21. Square dancing has become an improbably hot topic in China , with stories on the dancing " damas " - not all of them flattering - lighting up state media .


  22. Recently , this prehistoric food has improbably become a trend beverage , ranking with green juice and coconut water as the next magic potion in the eternal quest for perfect health .


  23. She might , and not improbably would , have suffered death from the stern tribunals of the period , for attempting to undermine the foundations of the Puritan establishment .


  24. Improbably , researchers looking for life in this barren hellscape have found evidence that two extremophile types of bacteria have made their home in the Danakil Depression , reports the BBC .


  25. Leo , a little ghost drawn touchingly by Robinson as an improbably sweet and hopeful-looking crayoned outline , feels unwanted in the house he is haunting .


  26. Such support generally rests on the economic illiteracy of the " lump of labour fallacy " , which improbably assumes that the skilled workers employed under such contracts have absolutely no other options except unemployment .


  27. We would instead travel with new cycling companions : four Frenchmen and a Swiss , all old friends from Hong Kong , and one strapping Englishman who , improbably , turned out to be my old statistics professor from university .


  28. The major conclusions are summarized as below : ( 1 ) The upper-Triassic white micas characterized by low Si ( < 3.2 Si atoms pfu ), indicates that the HP-UHP rocks in Dabie orogen improbably cropped out to the surface at that time .


  29. But the accompaniments might be from the Middle East ( chickpeas and bulgur ) or Asia ( daikon , the east Asian radish , turned improbably into sauerkraut ) or a gourmet fruit stand ( pomegranates , pink grapefruit ) .


  30. Over this may lie a pork chop hammered thin and sealed inside an improbably fluffy crust , or pork belly in slices thick as cake , with descending horizons of lean and fat , or chicken freed of its bones and deep-fried twice , so the crispy shell of skin turns chewy where it clings to the flesh .
