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  1. It says it has raised less than a third of the $ 543 million needed to support 1.7 million IDPs for six months .


  2. We utilize overseas IDPs method to determine historical earthquake parameters from another point of view .


  3. On 5 May 2009 we became IDPs . Internally displaced persons .


  4. Moniba and I had not spoken since our fight on the last day before becoming IDPs .


  5. Most of the girls had only ever left the valley when we became IDPs .


  6. UN agencies have prepared relief plans for500000 internally displaced people ( IDPs ) .


  7. When we were IDPs I had thought about becoming a politician and now I knew that was the right choice .


  8. The administration is working on a war footing to restore the electricity , water and gas arrangements before the IDPs can return .


  9. Sometimes he says we have gone from being IDPs to EDPs - externally displaced persons .


  10. But Mayor Noor says the removal of al-Shabab does not eliminate the risk to IDPs .


  11. Mortality , migration and hospitalization rates among IDPs and regular DSS residents were compared , and verbal autopsies were performed for deaths .


  12. We had so many stories from our time as IDPs . Most of us had stayed with friends or family but some had been in the camps .


  13. We first measured 6Li / 7Li , 10B / 11B in four interplanetary dust particles ( IDPs ) .


  14. Relief efforts should extend to IDPs who have relocated outside IDP camps , particularly if afflicted with HIV infection or other chronic conditions .


  15. While we had been IDPs and for all the months the school had been closed he had collected no fees , but the teachers still expected to be paid .


  16. Amazingly three-quarters of all the IDPs were put up by the people of Mardan and the nearby town of Swabi .


  17. After more than forty years of internal armed conflict , Colombia has one of the largest populations of internally displaced persons ( IDPs ) in the world .


  18. My father organised one of the festivals in Marghazar and invited those who had hosted the IDPs in the lower districts as a thank you .


  19. The company to the form of chewing flakes launched products , a total of vanilla , idps mint , and strawberry three flavors for consumer choice .


  20. He wanted the people of Peshawar and Islamabad to be aware of the terrible conditions in which IDPs were living and that the military were doing nothing .


  21. To evaluate mortality and morbidity among internally displaced persons ( IDPs ) who relocated in a demographic surveillance system ( DSS ) area in western Kenya following post-election violence .


  22. A greater percentage of deaths from human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) infection occurred among IDPs aged ≥ 5 years ( 53 % ) than among regular DSS residents ( 25 – 29 % )( P


  23. Karen sources said that if the offensive succeeds , thousands of people will flee into the jungle in northern Karen State , becoming internally displaced persons ( IDPs ) in northern Karen State .


  24. Military spokesman Abbas said since the army has successfully cleared major areas of Swat , it is now trying to rebuild war-battered areas so displaced Pakistanis , commonly called IDPs , can go home .


  25. In this paper we analyse the abundances of Low-Z elements in two IDPs . from their mass spectra ( mass from 1 to 32 ) with Secondary Ion Spectrometry , and EDS ( X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectra ) .
