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  • 网络电感耦合等离子体质谱;电感耦合等离子质谱
  1. Simultaneous Determination of U Pb Ages and Trace Elements in Single Zircon by Using LAM ICPMS


  2. Precise measurement of Sr isotopic composition of liquid and solid base using ( LP ) MC ICPMS


  3. Precise analysis of zircon Hf isotopes by LAM MC ICPMS


  4. An improvement was made on the nickel sulphide fire assay procedure for determining PGEs and Au by ICPMS .


  5. The instrument consists of a laser ( UV or IR wavelength ) that is attached to an ICPMS ( quadrupole , multi collector or magnetic sector field ) .


  6. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry ( IDMS ) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICPMS ) are the two most usual methods for measuring the ratio of lead isotopes .


  7. Compared to conventional detection methods for the quantitative analysis of meal ions , such as atomic absorption spectroscopy , inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy ( ICPMS ), the fluorescence detection method is more convenient and does not require complicated , multistep sample preparation or sophisticated instrument .


  8. Fifteen rare earth elements ( REEs ) in benthic seaweeds , molluscs and arthropods ( mainly crustaceans ) from the Xiamen Bay and adjacent waters were determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ( ICPMS ) in order to study the REE distribution and their environmental implications .
