
  • n.肼;酰肼
  1. Synthesis of TiN Nanocrystals with High Specific Surface Area by Hydrazide Sol-gel Method


  2. Determination of Maleic Hydrazide Residue in Potatoes Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography


  3. This paper introduces the analysis of Maleic Hydrazide Residues in garlic with spectrophotometric Method .


  4. Recognition mechanism and affinity assessment of maleic hydrazide molecularly imprinted polymers


  5. Effect of tyrosine hydrazide on progesterone synthetic metabolism of rat luteal cells in vitro


  6. Studies on iron (ⅲ) ethylenediaminetetraacetic hydrazide in aqueous solution


  7. The surface enhanced Raman spectrum of phthalic hydrazide and its interpretation for the adsorbed configuration


  8. On Analysis of Maleic Hydrazide Residues in Garlic


  9. Improved Technology for Synthesis of Benzenesulfonyl Hydrazide


  10. Inhibitory Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Maleic Hydrazide on Panicle Sprouting in Hybrid Rice F_1


  11. Effect of myeloperoxidase inhibitor aminobenzoic acid hydrazide on the adhesion between polymorphonuclear neutrophils and endothelial cells


  12. Kineties Study of Autoxidation of Hydrazine SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATION OF 2 - FUROYL HYDRAZIDE


  13. The Effect of Tyrosine Hydrazide on the Content of the Cytosol Estradiol Receptor of the Uterus in Preimplantation Rat


  14. The method for determination of the content of maleic hydrazide in plant growth regulator-A and-B by ultraviolet spectrophotometry was studied .


  15. Synthesis and application of 2-furoyl hydrazide


  16. Objective To demonstrate the mechanism of molecularly imprinted polymer of maleic hydrazide ( MH ) and evaluate the adsorptive specificity and selectivity .


  17. Synthesis of α - ( p-nitrophenoxy ) myristyl hydrazide from myristic acid was reported .


  18. Methods Tyrosine ( Tyr ) hydrazide and Glycyl Tyr were injected into the uteri of preimplantation rats .


  19. Podophyllic Acid Ethyl Hydrazide and Podophyllic Acid Piperidyl Hydrazone Nitroxide Radical on the Transplanted Tumours in Mice


  20. After hydrazinolysis , hydrazide resin ( 3 ) reacted further with substituted benzoyl chloride obtaining hydrazide resin ( 4 ) .


  21. Biotin hydrazide chemical labelling and DIG labelling were used to prepare nonradioactive nucleic acid probes respectively . The cloned full-length CEVd-cDNA isolated from China was labelled .


  22. Therefore , it was suggested that the decrease of the EcR contents may be due to a direct effect of Tyr Hydrazide and not be related to the endogenous E and P concentrations .


  23. According to the structure of HIV-1 integrase , we design and synthesize 19 N , N ' - bis ( aromatic hydrazide ) derivatives . And 18 compounds are firstly reported .


  24. Two novel development accelerants with function were synthesized from 6-amido-benzimidazole , phenyl-hydrosulfuryl-triazole and ringy hydrazide . The structures were confirmed by IR , MS and elemental analysis .


  25. AIM : To study the relationship between structure and antioxidation activity of spin labeled derivatives of podophyllic acid hydrazide ( GP ) in tissues and red blood cells ( RBC ) from rats .


  26. Conclusion The imprinted polymers can be used for separation , enrichment , and analysis of trace maleic hydrazide residue in plants especially for the solid phase extraction of trace maleic hydrazide residue from samples before detection .


  27. The results showed that the novel fibrous materials contain carboxylic functional group with appropriate hydrazide cross-link structure . Owing to high external surface area and short transfer route , FFC-1 ion exchange fiber is provided with excellent reaction kinetic property .


  28. In the second part , a series of derivants of hydrazide containing pyrazolone have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis , IR spectrum , 1H NMR spectrum , MS , UV spectrum and single crystal XRD .


  29. Then high purity 1,2,3 triazole was obtained by the reaction of p toluene sulfonyl hydrazide and glyoxal at M ratio 1 ∶ 2.7 followed by the treatment of the intermediate with ammonia , the yield over 66.8 % .


  30. At the same time the sugar beet seeding induced by temperature and light were treated with growth substances such as abscisic acid ( ABA ), maleic hydrazide ( MH ) to select out the plant growth substances which make bolting reverse and doses .
