- a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments);different names are used in different sections of the United States
- Synonym: bomber grinder hero hero sandwich hoagy Cuban sandwich Italian sandwich poor boy sub submarine submarine sandwich torpedo wedge zep
Are you little Marie that used to hang out at that atomic hoagie shop ?
You won 't push the hoagies or the pickled eggs .
It 's something called a " hoagie . " The workers like them . Right , Max ?
Trust me , make it a hoagie .
Oh , no , no , no , sir , we do not sell hoagies . Yes , we do .
Like at the hoagie shop ?
Si , gracias por la hoagie .
But organizations like the SBA have also made a difference , because sometimes private financing isn 't willing to take a chance on a couple of young guys who have an idea about starting a great hoagie shop .
There 's no reason why we shouldn 't act on that right now , the same way that we should be allowing all families to refinance , because if they 've got an extra $ 3000 in their pocket , then they can buy more hoagies or go shop for some outstanding organic foods .
So my message to Congress -- and I 'm going to have a chance to see the congressional leadership when I get back to the White House -- I 'm going to offer them some hoagies while they 're there -- is let 's go ahead and act to help build and sustain momentum for our economy .