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  • 网络高次谐波;高次谐波产生;合丰;强场高次谐波;高次谐波发射
  1. By using wavelet transform , the emission of HHG in different time is obtained .


  2. A Scheme for Simultaneous Extension and Enhancement of the HHG Plateau The relation between sampling frequency and considered harmonic power is derived .


  3. High harmonic generations ( HHG ) in atoms , molecules and nanostructures open a new field in nonlinear optics .


  4. Simultaneous Extension and Enhancement of the HHG Plateau by Using Combined Laser Pulse Irradiating on a United Two-Atom System


  5. Henderson became part of HHG , a new UK holding company listed on the London and Sydney Stock Exchanges .


  6. To better understand the physical origin of HHG enhancement and attosecond pulse emission , we perform classical analysis and the time-frequency analysis .


  7. High harmonics generation ( HHG ) from Ne atom driven by a multi-cycle 43 fs laser pulse is investigated .


  8. In this thesis , adopting the time-dependent Hartree-Fock scheme , the HHG process of acetylene molecule is systematically investigated .


  9. Three-dimensional numerical calculation shows that plasma plays a significant role in the phase matching process of HHG in a supersonic gas jet with short medium length .


  10. We study the effects of pulse shape and static electric field on ionization and high order harmonic generation ( HHG ) of a one dimensional model hydrogen atom .


  11. The plasma induces the broadening and blue shift of the HHG spectra , which provides a method for fine-tuning the harmonic wavelength .


  12. Alignment of linear molecules by ultrashort laser pulses has great effects on the ionization and high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) in laser fields .


  13. High order harmonic generation ( HHG ), as one of nonlinear phenomena of intense lasers-atom / molecular interactions , is a hot topic in recent years .


  14. The series of results indicate that there is a certain relationship between the ionization probability and the pulse shape , which in turn influences the character of HHG .


  15. The behavior of an atom in strong laser field and the dynamic process of high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) are analyzed with the quantum theory and saddle-point method .


  16. The experiment results show that gas pressures and the position of gas cell have great influences on HHG from CO2 . Finally , the dissertation sums up all of the research work .


  17. These main contents and conclusions of our work are : ( 1 ) The laser parameter influence on time-frequency of HHG in a two-colour laser pulse have been investigated .


  18. The most attractive one is high order harmonic generation ( HHG ), which can be used as a source of extreme ultraviolet ( XUV ) and soft X-ray lasers .


  19. The HHG is not only a promising way to produce extreme ultraviolet coherent light source and attosecond pulses , but also an efficient tool to probe microscopic ultrafast processes .


  20. We show that the efficiency of high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) in two-color laser field can be enhanced , and analyze the mechanism of the enhancement of HHG .


  21. The superposition of an appropriate sub-plateau can give single attosecond soft X-ray pulse , and the effect of HHG from ion has been eliminated through the band selection .


  22. In the case of larger internuclear distance , the contribution to HHG from the inner shell will become larger and larger , apart from that from HOMO orbits .


  23. High-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) can be observed as the molecular system is radiated by an intense laser field , and utilizing the molecular HHG , one can image the orbital wave-function of the molecule .


  24. The control of quantum path has applications in a wide range , which include high order harmonic generation ( HHG ) and attosecond pulse production , the ultrafast imaging in biology , tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals and molecule alignment .


  25. It is well-known that the interaction of intense laser field with atoms and molecules can lead to high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) . Coherent sources of radiation in XUV and x-ray regions can be obtained by HHG .


  26. It is indicated that in SDR the digestive function is affected directly and the endocrine function indirectly ( including hypothalamus_hypophysis_ gonad axis , i.e. , HHG axis ), while in KDR , HHG axis is affected directly .


  27. In this thesis , the influences of the propagation effects to the HHG have been investigated , and the results show that the propagation effects can be used to improve the temporal characteristics of the harmonics and produce isolated broadband attosecond ( as ) pulses .


  28. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation of realistic hydrogen atom in intense laser field and static electric field is solved by split-operator method , and the abnormal behaviors of high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) in intense laser field is investigated , which is caused by a static electric field .


  29. In this realm , the interactions of ultrafast intense laser with atoms and molecules lead in a series of interesting and novel highly nonlinear phenomena , such as above threshold ionization ( ATI ), nonsequential double ionization ( NSDI ), high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) and Coulomb explosion .
