
  • n.异形(囊)胞;异形细胞
  1. Heterocyst frequency was enhanced by higher light intensity and NaCl concentration .


  2. The regulation of heterocyst differentiation and changes of cell proteins in Anabaena 7120


  3. Signal Transduction Involved in Heterocyst Development in Anabaena PCC 7120


  4. Relationship between the Heterocyst Development and DNA Replication in Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120


  5. Development of S & T The filament possesses oblate cell for nutrition and heterocyst .


  6. Heterocyst has polypeptides as those in vegetative cell but it also synthesizes some new polypeptides .


  7. The activity of the soluble protease of heterocyst was 4 & 5 times higher than that of the vegetative cell .


  8. Analysis of 22 Strains of Nitrogen-fixing Filamentous Cyanobacteria with Heterocyst by Using PCR-RFLP of 16S rDNA


  9. Thses results showed that HanA did not play essential roles in heterocysts and thus was gradually degraded in heterocyst .


  10. The result showed that one mutant was unable to differentiate heterocyst , three formed heterocysts but still could not maintain normal growth , four growed slowly with heterocyst differentiation .


  11. We attempted to screen temperature-sensitive Anabaena PCC 7120 strain through site-directed mutagenesis in dnaA in order to study the relationships between DNA replication and heterocyst development .


  12. The conchocelis under the condition which is fit to form sporangial branchlets has the highest survival rate reaching more than 60 % . The filament possesses oblate cell for nutrition and heterocyst .


  13. Following an initial inhibition under high PAR , growth and maximum quantum yield were stimulated , and heterocyst formation was enhanced and high PAR interfered with the normal pattern of heterocyst differentiation with contiguous heterocysts formed in filaments .


  14. Outer membrane of Anabaena and other cyanobacteria is the first barrier for nutrition uptake , and in Anabaena even affects the development of heterocyst envelope . But until now , few functional studies have been done about outer membrane proteins of cyanobacteria .


  15. However , only was the heterocyst frequency of the 9101 . ' 1 strain in the treatment of wheat and BG11 ( - N ) medium more obviously different than that in BG11 ( - N ) medium . The heterocyst frequency ranged from 9.45 % to 16.55 % .
