
  • 网络异二聚体
  1. By forming heterodimer with another bHLH . MRFs recognize and bind tO the E-box of DNA to activate the expression of muscle-specific genes .


  2. Initially , atRA activates a heterodimer RAR / RXR , which further recognizes and binds to retinoic acid receptor response element ( RARE ) consensus sequence , thereby activating or repressing target gene transcription .


  3. Relationship between the level of Bax-Bcl-2 heterodimer and apoptosis of gastric cancer cells


  4. Additionally , Siah-1S is found to interact with Siah-1 to form heterodimer or with itself to form homodimer .


  5. The mating type genes in A loci encode two kinds of highly conserved homeodomain containing protein , which play important roles in A dependent development by the formation of protein heterodimer .


  6. These known sequenced mutations , either single base substitutions or small intragenic deletions ( 9-16bp ) were analyzed for peptide production , dimer formation and enzymatic activity of the heterodimer .


  7. Conclusion Irradiation with both low dose and high dose of X-rays can induce the increase of the DNA binding activity of NF - κ B predominantly heterodimer p65 / 50 in peritoneal macrophages in irradiated mice .
