- adj.令人心碎的;使人悲痛的

The Thorn Birds , by Colleen McCullough , has promulgated the most elated and the most heartrending thing & love in the world through Meggie and Ralph s love story .
It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced .
The recollection of the past was heartrending .
And some of the most heartrending emails that I get on my website are actually from adolescents hovering29 on the edge of burnout , pleading with me to write to their parents , to help them slow down , to help them get off this full-throttle treadmill30 .
A professor of emergency medicine at a major university sent me a really heartrending letter .
Please don 't hurt me again , otherwise I 'll undergo heartrending hurt .
You need only read the heartrending Africa chapters of Dreams from My Father to realise that Barack Obama gets Africa .
Over the black tide , from an invisible ship , came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune .
I 'm loving you silently , but you do not know , I 'm so heartrending and painful .
Should I really bid adieu to this summer ? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is .
" All I wanted was just a little fun ," Harry 's voice began to crack and he dissenigrated into heartrending sobs again .
With Cosette , and behind her , there had entered a man with white hair who was grave yet smiling , though with a vague and heartrending smile .
The contenders for the Best Picture Oscar in recent years have shown that there is no shortage of dramas that range from the heartening to the heartrending .
What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness ? Time dulls the most exquisite emotions and softens the most heartrending grief .
A grievous loss ; a grievous cry ; her sigh was heartbreaking ; the heartrending words of rabin 's granddaughter .
Isabel 's sigh was heartrending .
The Chinese Valentines Day is comparably more romantic yet heartrending , because this is the only time of year when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet each other cross the Milky Way .
And , heartrending to say , there , behind the pile of stones , in front of the tree with the sheet of zinc , was freshly turned earth , a pick-axe , abandoned or forgotten , and a hole .