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美 [ˈhɑrvərd]英 [ˈhɑːvəd]
  • n.哈佛(John,1607—1638,移居美国之英国牧师,为哈佛大学之主要创办人);美国哈佛大学
  1. The Landscape Architecture Master Degree Programs at Harvard University


  2. Comparing with the CMT solution of Harvard University , their results are similar .


  3. My brother has a master 's degree from Harvard .


  4. She 's set her sights on getting into Harvard .


  5. She graduated from Harvard this year .


  6. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard .


  7. He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school


  8. I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students


  9. Harvard won by four lengths .


  10. She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard .


  11. The most exciting game was Harvard versus yale .


  12. Professor of science at harvard , he won the1965 Nobel Prize for chemistry .


  13. Though Longfellow was lucky in securing a professorship of modern languages at harvard , he qualified himself carefully for the appointment .


  14. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues .


  15. ( Harvard , for example , boasts a six - year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent . )


  16. The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools , teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact .


  17. According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health , many everyday products , including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids , could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children .


  18. Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow explains that when people feel the pressure to be always " on , " they find ways to accommodate that pressure , including altering their schedules , work habits and interactions with family and friends .


  19. For all the new attention devoted to the 1 percent , a new dataset from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that , if we care about upward mobility overall , we 're vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich-poor gap .


  20. Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density , the size of a community 's middle class , the quality of schools , community religiosity , and family structure , which he calls the " single strongest correlate of upward mobility . "


  21. As marketing professors Silvia Bellezza , Neeru Paharia , and Anat Keinan recently explained in Harvard Business Review ( HBR ) , leisure time was once seen as an indicator of high social status , something attainable only for those at the top .


  22. It offers free online classes from Harvard , MIT and the University of California-Berkeley .


  23. However , as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out , organisations increasingly use " team " as a verb rather than a noun .


  24. But what I learned , and what stuck with me through my time teaching writing at Harvard , was a deeper lesson about the nature of creative criticism .


  25. Following the Harvard scandal , Mary Miller , the former dean of students at Yale , made an impassioned appeal to her school 's professors to refrain from take-hone exams .


  26. In 2012 , 125 students at Harvard were caught up in a scandal when it was discovered they had cheated on a take-home exam for a class entitled " Introduction To Congress . "


  27. It wasn 't that Kodak was blind to the future , said Rebecca Henderson , a professor at Harvard Business School , but rather that it failed to execute on a strategy to confront it .


  28. The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued , " I have no question that when you have a team , the possibility exists that it will generate magic , producing something extraordinary ... "


  29. His two collaborators and co -- authors are Jeff Dyer , a professor at Brigham Young University , and Clayton Christensen , a professor at the Harvard Business School , whose 1997 book The Innovators Dilemma popularized the concept of innovation . "


  30. Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford .
