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  1. Establish the Method to Test Low Concentration COD by HACH Device


  2. Study on determination method of HACH COD detector and improvement


  3. Concentration nitrate - nitrogen with HACH method


  4. The manometric apparatus described in this section is the Hach Model 2171 .


  5. Determination of Turbidity of Water by Hach 2100-N Scattering Turbidimeter


  6. If the kits seem to catch on for arsenic tests , Hach may develop cheap test kits to measure fluorine levels as well .


  7. Through of the improving , COD detector made by HACH Company is characterized by simple operation and reliable data , and has advantages as safety , less reagent used and less cost .


  8. The daily quick determination of COD in wastewater can be achieved using HACH 45600 COD detector with self-made reagents instead of the special reagents of HACH .


  9. Results No significant differences ( P £ 3 / 40 2 ) were found in the data detected results obtained from the rapid detection kit , iodometry and HACH chromometer .


  10. Measure of total phosphor content in Jialingjiang River ( upward and backward position in Nanchong ) with DR / 5000TM Spectrophotometer produced in HACH company .


  11. This paper shows that , improvement the operation of U.S.A Hach COD detector . And improvement to reagent used in analyzing , substitutes the expensive imported reagent , it can reduce the cost of analyzing .


  12. The COD instrument made by HACH company of America is convenient in use . But its reagent mainly relys on import and the price is very high . Now by testing it again and again we developed a substitute reagent suitable for the instrument .


  13. An 8-ounce steak is about the size and shape of a hockey puck , so I based my steak 's drag coefficients on those given on page 74 of The Physics of Hockey ( which author Alain Hach é actually measured personally using some lab equipment ) .
