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  • 网络总增加值;日内瓦;机场;日内瓦机场;增加值总额
  1. Chapter 4 represents an implementation of GVA system .


  2. GVA is generally accepted as a efficient combinatorial auction mechanism .


  3. A mathematical expression was proposed for the first kind of GVA , and a new pricing method & gradually-vanishing pricing model was brought forward .


  4. A GVA 5000 belt version which works with up-to-date technology and double the productivity has savings in amount of millions after 5 years .


  5. The conception of gradually-vanishing asset ( GVA ) is presented because quite a few assets are left unused frequently while their value vanishes gradually .


  6. GVA utilized the high elevation of the villas , generous space and air circulation in their design so that the natural sea breezes would reduce the need to use air conditioning .


  7. The result based on the comparison with other pricing methods shows that this method can decrease GVA value elapsing , raise enterprise revenue , increase consumer remnant , and further improve social welfare .


  8. It is possible to transmit high electric power above 1 GVA to the load centers in downtown areas by 220 kV HTS cables so as to meet the needs for power supply by large cities .


  9. At present , there are no ideal chemical agent to prevent and control the virus disease . The cultivation of virus-free varieties is the effective way to reduce the losses caused by GVA . The virus detection is the crucial step for obtaining virus-free germplasm .
