The characteristic interval and the one most widely used is the grater second .
I don 't know whether life is grater than death , but love goes beyond the two .
The proposed method allows for the determination of Hb with grater sensitivity than other reported ones .
They said the bank sometimes give grater weight to information that supported its position and ignore other findings .
On the contrary , the international arbitration of the methods to settle has the grater effectiveness .
Only the boy 's father can coax him into grater effort .
Thanks to tensile membrane action , the actual load capacity was much grater than the design capacity using yield-line theory .
If you want to build and tone your muscles , simply set your rowing machine up for grater resistance .
The conical gold torch has compared to a cheese grater or an ice cream cone .
After maize harvest , soil water contents in intercropped maize were grater than that in sole cropped .
Non-electric hand-operated food grater , non-mechanical of base metal
The continuous growth of port trade volume brings adequate supply , at the same time , rapid growth of production turnover asks for grater productivity .
Industrial grater for fruits or vegetables ( excl. machines for fruit juice extraction , wine - or cider-making )
The smaller proportion of non-farm income of non-agriculture-dependent households , the dependence on land will be grater .
The effect of long-wave uneven settlement on slab vibration and slab force has become grater and grater as the speed of train increases .
" I might actually buy them a purple-and-green-polka-dot cheese grater just for saying that ," she warns .
Another is the narrative structure about the silver nutmeg grater , i.e. " gained-lost-regained " . The last part is the conclusion part .
You should increase the size of the cache to a value that is grater than the typical number of queues which are being read and written .
The grater of the fluidization velocity and the more air bubbles in the fluidized bed , the greater of the void fraction .
But some critics have taken to the internet to label the design of the torch reminiscent of a ' cheese grater ' .
The spreading signal is a pseudo-noise code sequence that has a chip rate which is orders of magnitudes grater than the data rate of the message .
Although environmental crimes do greater and grater harm to the whole society , it 's yet unnecessary to stipulate the potential damage offense against environmental protection as crime .
An even grater opportunity came in2001 when President George Bush named her commissioner of the President 's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders .
Conclusion The results suggest that the forest nature convalescent factors source in China are quite rich . We ought to make grater exploitation and reasonable use of forest source , developing convalescent quality .
From middle ten days of August in 2003 , the vibration of bearing no. 7 concerning the generator in load augmentation has grater increasing tendency , max. value reaching 103 μ m.
So it is better for Syria to concentrate on the current treaty arrangements and trade agreements like GAFTA ( Grater Arab Free Trade Area ) before going to that big step .
You 'll have a hard time putting what it is you don 't like about your new neighbor into words , particularly after he slices through your larynx with a cheese grater .
Sentence 2 Most of us tend to believe that competition is good and that competition fairly handled can generally stimulate more efficiency in production , grater efforts to improve products and lower prices for consumers .
When Dolph-Chebyshev weight is used , the lower the designed sidelobe level is , the grater of the depth of blind angle is and the smaller of its sensitivity of position errors is .
The results indicated that the effect of the biological characteristic of summer corn was grater than that of different water qualities and quantities on the As , Cd , Pb residual in different parts of the crop apparently .