
美 [ˈɡʌmɪŋ]英 [ˈɡʌmɪŋ]
  • v.在…上涂胶;用黏胶粘
  • n.牙龈;树胶;齿龈;树脂
  • gum的现在分词



  • 1
    N-MASS 口香糖
    Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow.

    See also:bubblegum;chewing gum

  • 2
    N-COUNT 牙龈;齿龈;牙床
    Your gums are the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, which your teeth grow out of.

    The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.


  • 3
    N-MASS 黏胶;黏合剂
    Gum is a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces of paper together.

    He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.


  • ...gummed labels.


  • 5
    ADJ 黏合的
    If two things are gummed together, they are stuck together.

    It is a mild infection in which a baby's eyelashes can become gummed together.


  • 6
    N-MASS 树胶;树脂
    Gum is a sticky substance which comes from the eucalyptus tree or from various other trees and shrubs.


ineffectual chewing (as if without teeth)
Synonym: mumbling


  1. Completely automatic thin oil lubrication , gear gumming lubrication ;


  2. A Primary Study on the Sericin Gumming Methods of Floss Fibre and Their Effects


  3. Strengthening Design of Frame Beam with Increasing Section and Gumming Carbon Fiber for Main Power Building in Yibin Power Plant


  4. They exert their curative effects by gumming up the works of key proteins in the body .


  5. Machines sharing information with other machines is more efficient than having one of us humans gumming up the works .


  6. The Influence of Mounting Conditions on Gumming Force Besed Tenacity Elongation of Silk and End Dropping


  7. and then you 're gumming at your dessert like my grandma .


  8. Much of what 's gumming up Wall Street is a glut of impaired assets that investors no longer want .


  9. There are relationships between the gumming property of sericin and the gelation .


  10. One senator gumming up the works for the whole country is certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned .


  11. Gum streaks : A defect in offset plate , where local image deteriorated in areas of excessive gumming .


  12. The Preparation of Mesotherm Curing Gumming Glue Film


  13. However , proper conditions can prevent sericin from gelation and improve cocoon reelability due to weaker gumming force among bayes .


  14. Gumming system ensure that protective gum immersing the all the pores of PS plate , avoiding PS plate oxidation happening ;


  15. It can decrease such questions such as manual folding , gumming and sealing . Furthermore , the product can enhance quality and productivity efficiency .


  16. It is the fear that your counterparty might be in that predicament that is gumming up the markets .


  17. First , he exposed embryos created in Petri dishes to a common AIDS drug called nevirapine , which works by gumming the enzyme up .


  18. And a tradition has grown up under which senators , in return for not gumming up everything , get the right to block nominees they don 't like .


  19. But the 2008 effort was also criticized for being rash and disorganized and in some cases hurting relief efforts by gumming up roads and burdening food supplies .


  20. Political discourse has reverted to strings of soundbites , the process Orwell described as " gumming together long strips of words , which have already been set in order by someone else " .


  21. The effects of the GA , TA-GA and UF sericin gumming methods of floss fibre are investigated , and the floss fibre gummed by the GA method is made into staple core yarn .


  22. Today 's onslaught of tech smartphones , iPads , search engines , social media is fragmenting our attention spans , gumming our mental gears with useless facts , and turning us into surface-level thinkers .


  23. An impact mechanics model of the piston cylinder is proposed , and it is verified by computations that the impact parameters of the piston set increase when the compressing rings are in fault conditions , such as gumming , wore out , etc.


  24. It is shown that after direct steaming the gumming force between cocoon silk is reduced and cocoon reelability tends to improve , but the weak links of cocoon silk are often exposed and end dropping probability tends to increase .
