guilty verdict
- 有罪(或有过错)的裁定

When the judge summed up , it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict
The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict
New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict .
A guilty verdict is always possible .
As for the banking system , the popular jury has issued its guilty verdict long ago .
She took her case to the court of appeal but the guilty verdict was upheld .
Though the case was circumstantial , a guilty verdict was reached on January 21 , 2005 .
She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out .
With a guilty verdict likely , Nature asked HIV / AIDS experts to assess a Libyan doctors'report that has been key to the prosecution 's case .
The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks , but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict .
The two teenagers broke down in tears after the judge read the guilty verdict and later the boys apologized to the victim and to the Steubenville community .
Last week 's guilty verdict has brought no illumination for foreign companies worried that they too could find themselves violating ill-defined Chinese secrecy laws , writes William MacNamara .
A Beijing-based attorney said a guilty verdict virtually requires a company to take action to display its acknowledgment that a local court has jurisdiction , particularly after such a public case .
Nine days after the guilty verdict , someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the DA 's office at high speed , then backed up and roared off .
Dr Conrad Murray remained expressionless as the jury returned with a guilty verdict in his involuntary manslaughter trial in Los Angeles November 7 , 2011 .
Pending detention is refers to the court before the guilty verdict in law should be presumed innocent of the crime suspect , defendant in custody , in order to ensure the smooth conduct of criminal activity the important means .
After the March 7 guilty verdict , which came a year after Mr. Anwar was initially acquitted of the sodomy charges , Mr. Anwar said he would begin planning another campaign to bring his cause to Malaysia 's people .
In 2008 , an English jury returned a not guilty verdict on six Greenpeace members who caused £ 30,000 of damage to a power station owned by Eon , the German energy group , because they objected to plans to build a coal-powered generating plant on the site .
He was found guilty , but the verdict was quashed on appeal .
Mr Cohen may be innocent of insider trading , or he may be guilty , but a verdict should be reached in court .
To find someone guilty or to return a verdict of guilty or to return a guilty verdict
If the court recognizes the defendant guilty , it should pronounce guilty verdict at court .