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  1. Groomer : all righty . he 'll be done in about an hour .


  2. Leonard : I heard about this professor at MIT , who melted down , bought a van , and spent the rest of his life as a mobile dog groomer .


  3. Three months later , a relative of the neighbors saw the pet at a dog groomer .


  4. I 'm a dog groomer and I 'm constantly working with water and other irritants .


  5. Thirty year-old Lee who already has six years of experiences as a pet groomer , although she started out with trimming human hair .


  6. In addition to Back 40 , the district has gained a dog groomer and a bakery and cafe , Sweet Pea 's Baking Company .


  7. Chris Christensen Systems offers Professional Grooming Products and Tools for the Professional Dog Show Handler , Dog Show Exhibitor , Dog Groomer and Dog Fanciers around the world .


  8. Chen takes Cookie to a groomer for a weekly shower and feeds it imported food , costing her some 2000 yuan ( $ 320 ) a month .


  9. " When I get out of here , I 'm going to work with dogs , maybe become a groomer ," she says . " Then I can have them around me all the time . "
