gram matrix

美 [ɡræm ˈmeɪtrɪks]英 [ɡræm ˈmeɪtrɪks]
  • 网络Gram矩阵;格拉姆矩阵
gram matrixgram matrix
  1. An accurate method in Gram matrix of the criteria of observability in linear system


  2. A simple proof of positive semi-definite of Gram matrix is given , and several important conclusions of Gram determinant are discussed in this paper .


  3. In this paper , We prove some properties of Gram matrix .


  4. The Positive Semi-definite of Gram Matrix and it 's Application


  5. Some Properties of Gram Matrix


  6. Gram Matrix and Hadamard Inequality


  7. Because the directly designed controller always has high order , a balanced method based on Gram matrix is applied to reduce the controller order , which still keeps better control effect .


  8. A concept of a variable unit-vector is introduced . A new inequality is built by means of the positive definiteness of Gram matrix .


  9. A strengthened result of Holder 's inequality is attained by means of the positive definiteness of the Gram matrix and Bernoulli 's inequality .


  10. Especially , when the Gram matrix of kernel function is strict positive , then the samples must be linear distinguishable in the feature space which is induced by the kernel function .


  11. In this paper , we introduce the concept of Gram matrix and study the relations of Gram matrix and positive matrix , obtain a important result : positive matrix must be Gram matrix ;


  12. Third , if a frame with reproducing kernel form is known , a sequence is constructed via its Gram matrix , and the sufficient and necessary condition which become a frame is proved .


  13. Half Positive Definitiveness of Gram 's Matrix in Inner-product Space
