
  • 网络语法性;合乎语法;合乎语法性;符合语法
  1. On Sentence Acceptability and Grammaticality


  2. With the discussion of grammaticality and acceptability , it is discovered that linguists attach much importance to the grammaticality , little importance to acceptability .


  3. On the Restriction of the Grammaticality to the Information Redundancy in English Sentences


  4. In the study , grammaticality judgment task , reaction time technique , agent identification task and interviewing were used .


  5. To solve these problems , we must intensify and improve the grammaticality of ideological and political education in colleges .


  6. The truth-value grammaticality judgment task is used to test their sensitivity to these two elliptical structures .


  7. In the sixth week , both classes had the Grammaticality Judgment Test and the scores were analyzed .


  8. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticality belong to the same syntactic category .


  9. The differences between English and Chinese sentences and translation On the Restriction of the Grammaticality to the Information Redundancy in English Sentences


  10. Though Grammaticality Judgment Task ( GJT ) has been commonly used , it does have limitation .


  11. Two hundred and thirty five students of English major with different English proficiency levels in one premier university of China took part in the grammaticality acceptability test .


  12. We propose the Revised Coordinate Constituent Constraint to predict the grammaticality of parallel coordinate structures in the framework of transformational grammar .


  13. The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality , that is its grammatical well-formedness .


  14. A grammaticality judgment task is employed to preliminarily test participants English relative clause proficiency level , and a sentence combination test is conducted to collect data .


  15. This thesis reviews the literature of implicit and explicit knowledge and gives a critical review to the studies measuring the two types of knowledge through grammaticality judgment test ( GJT ) .


  16. Under the new circumstances , higher vocational colleges must , guided by scientific outlook on development , uninterruptedly improve the grammaticality of ideological and political education and the quality and level of talent cultivation .


  17. Its informality in this sense does not however mean that you just cobble it together , for I do expect cohesion , conciseness and grammaticality !


  18. But most of the researches have been concerned with the derivation and grammaticality of the extraposition construction . Little has been done on the functions and conditioning of this construction .


  19. This thesis examines acquisition of the distribution constraint on English elliptical constructions , in particular , gapping and VP ellipsis , by Chinese-speaking learners of English , through a grammaticality judgment test .


  20. Within the framework of generative grammar , this paper examines and analyzes the distribution of null subjects and null objects by conducting a grammaticality judgement test to 108 Chinese learners of English and making statistical analysis based on SPSS software .


  21. The traditional grammatical theory insists that linguistic acceptability should accord with grammaticality , while the generative grammar thinks that acceptability and grammaticality are two different concepts and that the grammatical sentences are not necessarily acceptable and vice versa .


  22. Meanwhile , it also compares the acceptability of transitive verb ( henceforth V_t ) and psychological Verb ( henceforth V_p ) in acquiring English passive . A Grammaticality Judgment Test ( henceforth GJT ) was conducted with 68 participants .
