- 网络脾气好的

Sylvia among them , good-naturedly applaud so much long-hoarded treasure of useless knowing .
You 're bound to fail , ' he said good-naturedly .
" I 'm not sure I agree with you ," he says good-naturedly .
He smiled good-naturedly as he said this .
" Oh , I 'll take your word ," said the sergeant good-naturedly , spitting again as he turned away .
She owed her greatest relief to her friend Miss Lucas , who often joined them , and good-naturedly engaged Mr. Collins 's conversation to herself .
For example , they will be good-naturedly offered a knife and fork if their chopstick prowess is not up to par .
' As to getting on , 'said Solomon good-naturedly , 'it would be odd if I couldn 't get on without a young dog like you a great deal better than with you .
He had always been irreligious , scoffing good-naturedly at the sky-pilots and their immortality of the soul .
Swinging his stout frame , Pierre slouched through the crowd , nodding to right and to left , as casually and good-naturedly as though he were walking through a crowd in a market .